2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

Exercise Science, B.S.

The exercise science curriculum gives students a foundation in the anatomical and physiological aspects of exercise and sport through introductory and advanced courses in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and biomechanics. The interdisciplinary aspects of human functioning are reflected by required and elective coursework in the behavioral and nutritional sciences, sports management, and sociology. In addition, the general education courses at Fontbonne University provide a liberal arts focus to the four-year experience which includes ethical considerations in health care and sports program policy, problem solving and critical thinking. Internship and/or research rounds out the curriculum with at least three credits of experiential learning required. However, in light of the ‘hands on’ nature of the field of exercise science, up to ten credit are allowed, which give students valuable training in the techniques employed.

Major Retention

Students seeking an exercise science degree must maintain a 2.3 cumulative GPA in their science and math courses (see “Required Courses in the Major”, below). Should a student’s Science/Math cumulative GPA fall below 2.3 in any given semester, he or she will have one year to raise their Science/Math GPA to this level or be required to change majors. For transfer students, the grade attained on any transferred courses will be calculated into their Science/Math cumulative GPA for this purpose.

General Education Requirements

The following specific general education courses are required for the exercise science major. All other general education courses are unspecified.

BIO 134 General Biology 2: Cell Structure and Function  (4 credits)

CHM 106 General Chemistry I with Lab  (4 credits)

PSY 100 - Introduction to Psychology  (3 credits)

ONE 196 - Introduction to One Health   (3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

Students obtaining a degree in Exercise Science from the Biological and Behavioral Sciences Department at Fontbonne University will demonstrate the following by the time they reach the end of their program:  

  • Students will be able to broadly understand the major biological and physical science concepts as measured by performance on quantitative assessment quizzes and demonstrate laboratory skills through a quantitative skills assessment.   
  • Students will identify and acquire valid scientific resources; apply exercise science strategies to a problem; design an experiment, analyze data, and form a conclusion, as measured by performance on quantitative assessment quizzes.  
  • Demonstrate an understanding of current ethical concerns in exercise-related healthcare as measured by performance on a quantitative assessment quiz.  

Recommended Electives