2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

Academic Policies and Regulations


General Academic Information

Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees Offered

Undergraduate Degrees

Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

Graduate Degrees

Master of Arts (MA)
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Master of Management and Leadership (MML)
Master of Science (MS)
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)

Academic Terminology

Undergraduate Program Criteria

Major: 33 to 64 credit hours in the student’s major college/department
Concentration: 15 to 21 credit hours in a specific discipline in the major college/department
Major and concentration: A maximum of 64 total credit hours in the student’s major college/department
Minor: A minimum of 18 credit hours outside the major discipline, providing contrast, enhancement, and/or parallel study to the major
Certificate: a narrowly defined set of disciplinary or interdisciplinary classes that constitutes a discrete body of knowledge as determined by the department(s) in which the certificate is housed.

Undergraduate Student Classifications

Degree-seeking: A student pursuing a degree
Unclassified: A student not pursuing a degree
Full-time: A student who carries 12 or more credit hours per semester
Part-time: A student who carries fewer than 12 credit hours per semester

Class Status

First-year: Fewer than 30 credit hours earned
Sophomore: 30 to 59 credit hours earned
Junior: 60 to 89 credit hours earned
Senior: 90 or more credit hours earned

Graduate Student Classifications

Graduate Student: A student who has completed a bachelor’s degree and has been accepted into Fontbonne graduate coursework.
Degree-seeking: A student accepted into a graduate degree program.
Unclassified: A student accepted into graduate coursework but not into a degree program.
Full-time graduate: A student who carries six or more credit hours per semester.
Part-time graduate: A student who carries fewer than six credit hours per semester.

Course Numbering Guidelines

First-year and sophomore level courses are designated by 100 and 200 course numbers and generally have no prerequisite. These courses are typically introductory to a discipline or subject and focus on general elements or principles. The 200-level courses may build on prior knowledge or skills in 100-level courses, be a second course in a sequence, and/or be an introduction to sub-disciplines or to special topics. These courses are concerned with knowledge and comprehension and may or may not have a prerequisite.

Junior and senior level courses are designated by 300 and 400 course numbers and usually have prerequisites. The 300-level courses focus on specialized content or skills, are the intermediate link between general introductory content and advanced content and may be the third in a sequence of courses. The 400-level courses provide in-depth content, a synthesis or application of prior courses, may be the fourth course in a sequence, and include capstone, internship, and student teaching courses. These courses are concerned with application, analysis, and synthesis.

Ordinarily, a first-year student may not take courses at the 300 or 400 level.

Master level courses are designated by 500 and 600 course numbers.

Doctoral level courses are designated by 700 course numbers.


Examinations are given at the discretion of the instructor. Ordinarily each instructor determines the value and importance of the final examination depending on the nature of the course and its objectives.

The final exam, whether unit or comprehensive, must be given at the time scheduled by the registrar’s office. If an instructor chooses not to give an exam, the scheduled exam time must be used for a class meeting. A student who has more than three exams on a given day should work with the instructors to petition for one to be moved to another day.

It is the responsibility of the instructor to determine whether a student may make up missed tests or examinations.

Exam Schedules

Exam schedules for each semester are posted on the Registrar webpage.  Please refer to the posted information to determine when exams will be held. Frequently, a specific course exam schedule is also included in the course syllabus.

Exam Week

An exam week that excludes regular class meetings and assignments will be part of each semester’s calendar; the following conditions will be in effect:
1. Ordinarily the last exam, either unit or comprehensive, should be given at the time scheduled for final exams.
2. If an instructor chooses not to give an exam, the scheduled exam time should be used for a class meeting.
3. Assigned papers, research reports, and other class materials may be due before or during exam week.

Grading and Evaluation

At the first class period of each semester/term, the instructor will inform the students of the factors taken into consideration for grading. Methods of grading and evaluations must be included in the course syllabus.

Grade Definitions for Undergraduate Courses




A, A-


Applies to all courses

B+, B, B-


Applies to all courses

C+, C, C-


Applies to all courses



Applies to all courses



Applies to all courses-used when a student earns a failing grade



Applies to courses selected for the P/NP option; pass is defined as a grade of D or better


No Pass

Applies to courses selected for the P/NP option; NP is assigned when a student fails. No credit is earned.



Applies when a student, with proper authorization, withdraws from a course by a specified date


Involuntary withdrawal

Applies when a student who does not officially withdraw is withdrawn by the office of the registrar


Deferred grade

Applies when institutional circumstances prevent awarding a grade in a timely manner



Applies when a student takes a course for no credit; not available for all courses


Never attend

Student never attended; no authorized withdrawal; no basis for evaluation


Failure due to absence

Applies when a student fails a course due to lack of satisfactory attendance. Faculty will provide a last date of academic activity when assigning this grade.


Grade Definitions for Graduate Courses

A Superior graduate work
B Satisfactory graduate work
C Less than satisfactory graduate work
F Unsatisfactory work; no academic credit
AF Failure due to absence
* P/NP Pass is defined as a grade of B or better
I Incomplete
X Deferred grade
W Withdrawal
WI Involuntary withdrawal

* Pass/No Pass (P/NP) Grading Option: The only courses a graduate student may take P/NP are courses designated as such by the department.

Grades and Quality Points

To express the quality of a student’s work in numerical form, letter grades are translated into quality points. Each grade carries a specific number of quality points. Fontbonne uses the following grades/quality points:

Grade Quality Points























Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the quality points earned by the credit hours attempted. The grade point average is figured on the basis of credit hours attempted, not credit hours passed. Grades of pass (P) and no pass (NP) and the incomplete (I) designation do not carry quality points and are not computed in the GPA.

All GPAs listed on grade reports and transcripts, as well as those used for determination of dean’s list, reflect Fontbonne grades only.

Pass/No Pass (P/NP) Grading Option

A student who has a minimum of 30 credit hours may choose the pass/no pass (P/NP) grading option for selected courses, not to exceed six courses. This policy allows a student the opportunity to explore unfamiliar discipline areas. A student may not choose the P/NP grading option in courses required for the major, minor, concentration, or certificate unless the student first obtains approval from the department chair and college dean.

In some cases such as practicums and internships, Fontbonne may require P/NP grading for all the students in the course. When the university requires P/NP grading in a course, this course does not count as part of the six courses which a student may choose to take for a P/NP.

A course taken for P/NP cannot meet a general education requirement or the religion/theology requirement for graduation. Fontbonne University accepts grades of pass (P), in transfer, as elective credits, not to exceed six courses.

Incomplete (I)

If a student is earning a passing grade in a course, but does not complete the requirements of the course in a timely manner due to an extenuating circumstance beyond the student’s control that occurs within the last two or three weeks of the semester, the student may request an incomplete (I) for the course. Personal or immediate-family medical or non-medical issues, financial problems, trauma, and military deployment are examples of extenuating circumstances. The student must obtain the request for an incomplete (I) form from the registrar’s office, complete the form with the instructor, and obtain all of the required signatures before submitting the form to the registrar’s office.

An incomplete (I) will become an F if the procedures on the application form for an (I) are not followed. In extenuating circumstances, the chair may approve an extension of the incomplete, but not beyond two months.

Deferred Grade (X)

If, for some reason, the grade from a particular course cannot be reported to the registrar’s office in time for the semester report, the student will receive a deferred (X) designation. As soon as the instructor completes the change of grade form, the grade will be recorded on the student’s transcript.

Grade Change

Once a semester is over, a grade may not be changed because a student submits additional work or submits work that was due during the semester. A grade change should occur only under one of the following three conditions:

  1. To convert an incomplete (I) to a letter grade. The required change of grade form, available in the office of the registrar, must be completed by the instructor according to the date listed in the semester course schedule. (See incomplete above.)
  2. To convert a deferred grade (X) to a letter grade. The required change of grade form, available in the office of the registrar, must be completed by the instructor as soon as possible, generally within one week after grades are due. (See deferred grade above.)
  3. To correct an incorrect grade awarded due to an instructor’s calculation or recording error. The required change of grade form, available in the office of the registrar, must be completed by the instructor by the end of first two weeks of the following semester.

Class Attendance

Responsibility for attendance at class rests on the individual student. Fontbonne University expects regular attendance. Faculty who use regular attendance as part of the course requirements for evaluation purposes will notify the students of the policy in writing on the course syllabus distributed at the beginning of the course.

Students are directly responsible to instructors for class attendance and for work missed during an absence for any cause.

If a student stops attending a class without officially withdrawing from the course by completing a change in registration (drop/add) form obtained from the registrar’s office, the student will receive a grade of AF for the course. Faculty members are responsible for reporting the last date of academic activity when assigning a grade of AF.

Class Attendance - Eight-Week Courses

A student athlete is not allowed to register for an eight-week face-to-face course during the season of the student’s sport without the written consent of the athletic director and the faculty athletic advisor.

Faculty Unannounced Absence/Lateness for Class

An instructor is encouraged to note the following policy on the course syllabus:

  • For courses which meet two or more times per week, students must wait a minimum of 15 minutes before leaving a class for which the instructor has not arrived.
  • For courses which meet only once per week, students must wait a minimum of 30 minutes before leaving a class for which the instructor has not arrived.
  • One student in the class will assume responsibility for starting a dated attendance record for student signatures and for seeing that the attendance record is submitted to the registrar’s office immediately following the students’ leaving the classroom.

Honors Convocation

Each spring the university recognizes outstanding students in various categories, such as academic department/program honors and awards, honors program awards, honor society awards, and Latin honors. This recognition is publicly acknowledged at the honors convocation.

Honors Societies

Alpha Lambda Delta (ΑΛΔ) [honor society for first-time first-year students]

Beta Beta Beta (β β β)[national honor society for the biological sciences]

Delta Mu Delta (ΔΜΔ) [international honor society for business]

Kappa Gamma Pi (ΚΓΠ) [national Catholic graduate honor society for academic excellence and service leadership; available upon graduation at both the bachelor’s and master’s levels]

Lambda Pi Eta (ΛΠΗ) [national honor society for communication studies]

Omicron Delta Kappa (OΔK) [national leadership honors society that seeks to recognize outstanding student leaders in all areas of campus life]

Phi Kappa Phi (ΦΚΦ) [oldest, largest, and most selective national honor society for all academic disciplines at both the bachelor’s and master’s levels]

Pi Lambda Theta (ΠΛΘ) [international honor society for education]

Psi Chi (ΨΧ) [international honor society in psychology]

Phi Alpha (Φ A) [national honor society for social work]

Sigma Tau Delta (ΣΤΔ) [international honor society for English]

Commencement/Conferring of Degrees

Fontbonne University confers degrees six times during the year. Graduates are invited to participate in the commencement ceremony which occurs closest to the degree conferral (May or December). Spring graduates (March and May) are invited to participate in the May commencement ceremony.  Summer (July and August) and Fall (October and December) are invited to participate in the December commencement ceremony.  Students seeking an exception to participate in a different commencement ceremony must submit their appeal to walk in the commencement ceremony at the same time as the application for degree.  Appeals should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.  Students will be notified of decisions made by the Office of Academic Affairs. Students may only participate in one commencement ceremony.

Latin Honors

A Fontbonne undergraduate student who is seeking a first baccalaureate degree may earn Latin honors which are conferred at graduation. Latin honors reflect the academic excellence of all of the undergraduate coursework taken in preparation for the undergraduate degree.

To calculate Latin honors, Fontbonne uses the grades for all courses taken at other colleges and universities, as well as all courses taken at Fontbonne.

Latin Honors will be calculated based on the GPA at the end of the semester prior to commencement and will be considered provisional until all grades are received and it is ascertained that all graduation requirements have been met. The correct Honors category will be noted on the student’s diploma and transcript based on the final GPA calculation.

All transcripts/grades to be considered for the calculation of Latin honors, including any outstanding grades, must be received in the registrar’s office no later than September 30 for the December graduation, January 31 for the May graduation, and May 31 for the August graduation.

Latin honors are as follows:

Cum laude: 3.7 to 3.79 cumulative grade point average
Magna cum laude: 3.8 to 3.89 cumulative grade point average
Summa cum laude: 3.9 or above cumulative grade point average

Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence

The Dean’s Award is presented to graduating seniors who achieve a Fontbonne cumulative grade point average of 3.7 or above on a minimum of 60 credit hours taken at Fontbonne. A Dean’s Award recipient is not eligible for Latin honors due to transfer coursework which results in a combined cumulative grade point average below 3.7.

Conferring a Posthumous Degree or Degree in Memoriam

Fontbonne University may confer a posthumous degree, baccalaureate or graduate, upon a student who is deceased prior to, but nearing, the formal completion of all degree requirements of the program being pursued. For deceased students not meeting the criteria for a posthumous degree, the University may confer a degree in memoriam. The petition for the awarding of a posthumous degree or a degree in memoriam is initiated by the department chair or dean and is approved at the discretion of the Provost.

Posthumous Degree

A posthumous degree recognizes the substantial completion of a student’s academic work. It is a regular Fontbonne University degree and is recorded on the transcript. At the time of death, the student was in good academic standing and was successfully progressing toward completion of requirements for the degree to be awarded.

For an undergraduate student, the student must be in good academic standing, that is, have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. In addition, the student must have completed at least 75% of degree requirements. For an undergraduate degree requiring 120 credit hours, this means that 90 credit hours must be completed.

For a graduate student, the student must be in good academic standing, that is, GPA of 3.0 or above. In addition, the student must have completed at least 75% of the degree requirements.

Degree in Memoriam

A “degree in memoriam” allows for recognition of a student’s connection to Fontbonne University regardless of their progress toward completion of the degree. At the time of death, the student was in good academic standing. A degree in memoriam is not an official university degree and is not recorded on the transcript.


Upon approval by the Provost, the following steps will be taken:

The Provost or designee will attempt to notify the family of the deceased that a posthumous degree or a degree in memoriam will be awarded.

The degree will be conferred or recognized at the next regularly scheduled commencement ceremony or at a ceremony designed by the faculty in the student’s major department. The chair of the appropriate department, in consultation with the family of the deceased, will decide the manner in which the degree is conferred or recognized.

A posthumous degree will be posted on the student’s permanent record as follows: Example:

  • Bachelor of Science May 17, 2019
  • Major: Applied Mathematics
  • Degree Conferred Posthumously

A degree in memoriam is not recorded on the permanent record. However, a signed diploma is issued. The diploma shall read, for example, Bachelor of Science in Memoriam.

Academic Integrity/Honesty

According to its mission, Fontbonne University is committed to graduating students who are prepared to think critically, to act ethically, and to assume responsibility as citizens and leaders. Fontbonne University expects the highest standards of integrity from its students.

A violation of academic integrity includes, but is not limited to, any act of cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, dissimulation, and any act of aiding and abetting academic dishonesty. In cases where academic integrity is in question, the following definitions and policies will apply.

Cheating is a purposeful deception in the preparation and/or submission of papers and assignments and the taking of exams, tests, or quizzes.

Plagiarism is the representation of the words and ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise. Plagiarism includes failing to give a citation for using work from another person or source. Modifications and rephrasing do not reduce the requirement for giving a citation. This also applies to information obtained electronically, such as from the Internet.

Fabrication is the deliberate falsification or invention of any information or citation in any academic exercise, such as making up a source, giving an incorrect citation, misquoting a source.

Dissimulation is the disguising or altering of one’s own actions with the intent to deceive another about the real nature of one’s actions concerning an academic exercise. Examples include fabricating excuses for such things as missing classes, postponing tests, handing in late papers, turning in a paper for one class that was originally written for another class (when original work is requested).

Individual instructors will set specific policies regarding academic integrity. In general, students may expect to receive a zero (0) on any assignment, exam, test, or quiz and perhaps fail a course when a violation of academic integrity has occurred.

Broader violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to:

Abuse of resources is the damaging of any resource material or inappropriately limiting access to resource material that is necessary for academic work. Abuse includes hiding library materials; removing non-circulating material from the library; hiding or stealing another person’s textbook, notes, or software; failure to return library materials when requested.

Forgery of academic documents is the unauthorized changing or construction of any academic document, such as changing transcripts, changing grade books, changing grades on papers which have been returned, or forging signatures. Other examples include completion of an application for any academic program that omits or falsifies any requested information. Such violations can result in the revocation of the application even if approval was previously granted on the basis of fabricated information.

Sabotage is the damaging or impeding of the academic work of another student. Sabotage includes ruining another student’s lab work; destroying another student’s term paper.

Aiding and abetting academic dishonesty is knowingly facilitating any act defined above.

Violations of academic integrity have a broad impact on the university and will result in university review and action. Faculty who observe violations of academic integrity are asked to report all violations to the office of academic affairs where records of violations will be maintained for five years. University review and action may include tutorials on the appropriate use of materials, academic probation, or expulsion, depending on the nature of the offense. All procedures for disciplinary action are detailed in the Griffin Scratch and Fontbonne policy manuals.


To ensure the continuing quality of a Fontbonne degree, the university regularly collects data on academic programs, advising, student activities, and campus climate. Examples include course evaluations and advising evaluations which all students are expected to complete.

Student participation in periodic assessment, such as surveys and achievement tests, is expected and may be required for graduation. Because of the random sampling methods used to identify participants, not all students will be required to participate in the same assessment activities. Along with formal assessments, student work samples from individual classes may also be collected to provide authentic artifacts for internal and external program review.

The assessment program is designed to assist faculty, staff, and administrators in improving student learning, as well as the delivery of all campus services. Academic programs and student services are reviewed and revised based on a regular analysis of the data obtained from the assessment process. In this way, both the individual student and the institution benefit from assessment.

Online & Blended Courses

Fontbonne University offers fully online, accredited, undergraduate degree programs in multiple disciplines. Fontbonne University’s online courses are student-centered, just as the traditional face-to-face courses are. The learning environment is an asynchronous one, giving flexibility to the online course. The asynchronous nature of the course does not mean that the course lacks structure and/or deadlines.

Students are expected to participate in class discussions and activities and have weekly assignments and deadlines. Course requirements may include weekly group discussions, online quizzes, individual and/or small group assignments, readings, problem solving, or the critiquing of articles. Online undergraduate courses may require proctored testing on campus or at an approved location.

Fontbonne also offers several degree programs in a blended format. This requires some on-campus meetings. The number of face-to-face meetings varies depending on the program.

Students should prepare themselves to begin all online courses on the first day of the semester or the first day of the scheduled course duration.  Fontbonne uses a learning management system called Canvas by Instructure.  You can access Canvas by going to https://fontbonneuniversity.instructure.com. Use your Fontbonne email address as your user name and your network password to login.

Canvas has a Getting Started for Students resource to help you get started and understand how to navigate the system. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Contingency-Resources/Getting-Started-with-Canvas-as-a-Student/ba-p/258333

If you experience issues with Canvas in any of your courses, or to ask a question about Fontbonne University email or other technology issues please contact AskUS at: https://askus.fontbonne.edu/support/home or 314.719.8095.

Minimum Technology Requirements for Online Students:

  • Minimum of 2 GB of RAM with DSL or high-speed Internet access.
  • Visit  https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10720-67952720329 for browser and computer requirements for Canvas.
  • Windows and Office 2016 or higher for PC and Office 2016 for Mac. Most online courses require Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, and many require Excel. FONTBONNE STUDENTS GET FREE ACCESS TO MICROSOFT OFFICE 365!  All employees and registered students have access to Microsoft Office (Office 365) from their personal computers at no cost. You have the choice of working with the online versions of the Office apps or downloading Office to your computer. [Please do not attempt to install on lab machines as it is already installed.] You can choose “Install Office” through portal.office.com
  • Some courses require the purchase of additional course-specific software and hardware; this information should be listed in the course schedule or course syllabus.  Some of the hardware and software may require a more robust computer to run effectively.
  • Use of Fontbonne University email is mandatory for online courses.

Students must have daily access to a computer/laptop with Internet; it is recommended that students have their own computer for use with online coursework.

Students must have daily access to a computer. Students planning to reside outside the United States while engaging in an online Fontbonne University course must obtain prior written approval from the Provost before enrollment.

Students residing in states other than Missouri, please visit https://www.fontbonne.edu/academics/online-learning/state-authorization-for-distance-education to locate State Authorization information.

In order to maintain proper state authorization for distance education, it is vital that you inform Fontbonne prior to moving to a different state. Even if the move is temporary, Fontbonne University is required to submit the state in which the students are residing at the time of taking the online course. We are not currently authorized to enroll students in our distance education programs in all 50 states.

Please contact Jo Ann Mattson JMattson@Fontbonne.edu or 314.889.4514 prior to relocating to another state.

Online Students - Filing Complaints with Your State or Accrediting Agency

Students not residing in the state of Missouri during the time of attending online courses should also follow Fontbonne’s internal administrative procedures. However, if the issue or complaint is not resolved at the institutional level, a student may file a complaint within the state he or she is living in at the time of enrollment. Visit https://www.fontbonne.edu/academics/online-learning/state-authorization-for-distance-education to obtain student grievance contact information for individual states.

Academic Advising

Academic advising at Fontbonne University is an integral part of the larger mission of the University. It serves to assist students to identify and achieve their educational goals, while creating collaborative relationships with other institutional departments, faculty and staff. The advising process is an on-going and developing one, whereby both the advisor and advisee share responsibilities. In the event that an advisor/advisee arrangement does not work effectively, a student may petition the director of academic advising for a new advisor.

The advisor’s role is rooted firmly in education, providing the necessary information regarding policies, degree programs, courses, schedules and registration. Advisors must reach out developmentally as well by engaging students in self-directed learning, creating academic plans and strategies, discussing personal goals and referring individuals to the appropriate campus resources. Students may not register for courses until being cleared by their advisor.

With the support and guidance of their academic advisor, advisees are expected to learn and practice the habits of successful students. This includes maintaining regular contact with all of their academic stakeholders, taking responsibility for consulting the University Catalog, making final decisions about choices regarding their academic careers, preparing in advance for relevant meetings, gathering all pertinent information, following through on referrals, asking questions and striving to be an ethical and contributing member of society through critical thought and action.

Additional information may be obtained through the advising website.

Independent Study Courses

Independent study course, available to qualified undergraduate degree-seeking students, allow students to pursue interests not available in the established curriculum. An independent study course may take the form of research, a reading program, or a special off-campus project. Each independent study course must have an instructor.

A completed application for an independent study must be submitted to the registrar’s office on the registration in undergraduate special course form at the time of registration. The form is available from the registrar’s office.

Students who have completed 60 or more credit hours and are not on academic probation may register for an independent study course.

See respective academic departments for independent study course numbers and descriptions.

Study Abroad

Fontbonne encourages students to become a part of the global community by offering multicultural learning experiences through individual study abroad programs, faculty-directed study abroad trips (see academic tours in Registrar Policies ), and international community-service projects. Students have participated in programs and projects throughout the world, including Africa, Australia, Belize, Costa Rica, England, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and Taiwan.

Short-term, semester, and academic year study abroad opportunities are available. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in order to participate in study abroad programs. For additional information on study abroad see the Fontbonne website.

Peace Corp Prep Program

The Peace Corps Prep Program at Fontbonne University is the only prep program in the St. Louis area, and we’re thrilled to offer our students the support and tools needed to prepare for such a valuable commitment to global service.

At Fontbonne University, we believe that service to the world requires critical thinking and equitable inclusion. Since 1923, we have been committed to educating students as leaders who “think critically, act ethically and serve responsibly.” These ideals align with those of the Peace Corps, a government agency that since 1961 has immersed Americans into communities around the world, tackling long-term local and global challenges.

Participation in the Peace Corps Prep program does not guarantee your admission to the Peace Corps after graduation, but it helps to demonstrate to the Peace Corps that you have the cultural sensitivity, leadership experience, and key knowledge that would make you successful, whether in the Peace Corps or in other global initiatives.

Program Details

The Peace Corps Prep program will prepare you for international development fieldwork and potential Peace Corps service. To accomplish this, you’ll build four core competencies through interrelated coursework, hands-on experience, and professional development support. These four competencies are the following:

  • Training and experience in a work sector
  • Intercultural competence
  • Professional and leadership development
  • Foreign language skills (for those interested in serving in French- or Spanish-speaking countries)

Students in the Peace Corps Prep Program will work with the program coordinator to choose their service sector and design a plan for completing requirements.

More information can be found on our website: https://www.fontbonne.edu/academics/academic-services-support/kinkel-center/peace-corps-prep-program/

Military Sciences (Army ROTC)

Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

Army ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) is a program which combines college courses in military science with summer training sessions to turn students into officers. Upon successful completion of the program and graduation, cadets are awarded a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, the Army National Guard, or the U.S. Army Reserve.

Army ROTC offers two different programs to all qualified college and university students. The traditional four-year program gives students the opportunity to take ROTC courses in each of their four years of college. The two-year program is available for community and junior college students as well as any other students who did not take ROTC during the first two years of college. Both of these programs are offered at more than 1,000 colleges and universities throughout the United States. Washington University is the host institution in the St. Louis area. Students from Fontbonne University may enroll in Military Science courses through a cross-enrollment agreement with Washington University. Course descriptions for the Military Science courses are listed in this catalog under MILS.

Washington University in St. Louis: North Campus - located at 700 Rosedale Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63112 - is the home of the Gateway Battalion. North Campus contains the Battalion Headquarters, Headquarters Annex, and the Range Room. Battalion Headquarters houses the classrooms where military sciences are instructed, cadre and staff offices, equipment room, and cadet lounge. Headquarters Annex is an open space next to headquarters. It is used for the annual open house and is sometimes used as a meeting place for leadership labs. The Range Room is located in the rear of North Campus. Its large space is utilized when an alternative to outdoor PT or labs is optimal. The range room contains an air rifle range where rifle competitions are held.

Students interested in participating in the Army ROTC program, or in obtaining additional information, should contact:

Washington University
Campus Box 1206
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4862
Phone: 314.935.5521 or 314.935.5537 Fax: 314.935.6931.
Email: rotc@wustl.edu http://rotc.wustl.edu/Pages/Home.aspx


ROTC Course descriptions can be found here:  Military Science (Army ROTC) Course Descriptions  

Undergraduate Academic Information

Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

All students seeking the baccalaureate degree must complete the following requirements:

  • A minimum of 120 credit hours.
  • A minimum of 30 of the 120 credit hours at Fontbonne University to meet the minimum residency requirement.
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. A college, department, or program may require a higher minimum cumulative GPA for the degree and/or major requirements, certificate, etc. (See each college, department, or program for specific information.)
  • A minimum of 42 credit hours of general education requirements (GER). All GER courses must be completed with a letter grade.
  • All course requirements for the major, minor, or concentration as stipulated by the college or department in which the major, minor, or concentration is offered, including:
    • Completion at Fontbonne of a minimum of 50 percent of the credit hours required for the major, minor, or concentration;
    • Completion at Fontbonne of a minimum of 15 credit hours of the major requirements as upper division (300/400 level) coursework;
    • Completion of a capstone course/experience as part of the major;
    • Completion of each course required for the major, minor, or concentration with a minimum grade of C-; and
    • Completion of the minimum cumulative grade point average required for the major.
  • A minimum of one course in religion or theology as a graduation requirement. This course must be completed with a letter grade.
  • All degree-seeking undergraduate students must complete at least 24 of the final 30 semester hours of coursework at Fontbonne University. The student may not take CLEP or apply for any externally granted credit through Prior Learning Experience during the semester in which the degree is to be conferred. All transcripts of previously earned coursework, CLEP and internal PLA documentation must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office at least 8 weeks prior to the degree conferral date or the degree may be conferred in the subsequent term.

Dual Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

A student may work simultaneously for two different degrees (e.g., BA and BS) provided the following requirements are completed:

  • A minimum of 24 credit hours beyond the minimum of 120 credit hours for the first degree;
  • All specific requirements for each of the two majors;
  • All specific requirements for each degree.

Second Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

A student who enters Fontbonne University with a bachelor’s degree may earn a second bachelor’s degree at Fontbonne by completing:

  • A minimum of 24 credit hours in addition to the total number of hours earned for the first degree;
  • All specific requirements for a second major; and
  • All specific requirements for the second degree, including a course in religion or theology.
  • A student pursuing a second bachelor’s degree at Fontbonne is not required to take the university placement tests or to fulfill the university general education requirements.

For a student to be admitted to Fontbonne, the college or department in which the student wishes to study must accept the candidate for pursuit of the second bachelor’s degree. The college or department will determine which courses from the first bachelor’s degree will be accepted toward fulfillment of the major requirements for the second degree.

A student is not officially accepted in the major for the second degree until the major approval process has been successfully completed. (See major approval in this section of the catalog.)

Dual Undergraduate/Graduate Enrollment Requirements

A Fontbonne undergraduate student may be eligible to earn graduate academic credit for graduate level courses with permission from the department that is offering the graduate course.

To be eligible for dual enrollment, a Fontbonne undergraduate student must be classified as a senior (a minimum of 90 credit hours earned) and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Enrollment in graduate courses must be approved by the graduate program director, since preference is given to students enrolled in the graduate program.

Graduate credit hours may not be used toward the 120 hour requirement for an undergraduate degree. However, a maximum of nine graduate credit hours taken during dual enrollment may be applied to the total credit hours required for the master’s degree.

General Education

Information regarding Fontbonne’s General Education requirements can be found in the General Education  section of the catalog.

General Studies with Disciplinary Emphasis Major

The general studies with (disciplinary) emphasis major offers students a path to graduation that combines generalized study with disciplinary focus, leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. General studies with emphasis majors are advised in the department in which their emphasis is housed. This degree is not available in all programs.

Major requirements include:

  • Residency, Major, General Education, and Graduation Requirements as described in the Fontbonne University Catalog.
  • A minimum of 18 hours of course work in an area of emphasis, 15 hours of electives, as defined by departments, and a capstone experience.
  • A minimum GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.

Please see specific department chairs to determine the availability of a General Studies with Emphasis degree is particular programs, and for the program-specific requirements for those degrees.

Residency Requirements

Residency Requirements For The Baccalaureate Degree

An undergraduate degree-seeking student must complete a minimum of 32 credit hours of course work at Fontbonne University toward a degree. All degree-seeking undergraduate students must complete at least 24 of the final 30 semester hours of coursework at Fontbonne University. The student may not take CLEP or apply for any externally granted credit through Prior Learning Experience during the semester in which the degree is to be conferred. All transcripts of previously earned coursework, CLEP and internal PLA documentation must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office at least 8 weeks prior to the degree conferral date or the degree may be conferred in the subsequent term.

Residency Requirements for Majors, Minors, Concentrations, and Certificates

A student must successfully complete, at Fontbonne University, a minimum of 50 percent of the credit hours required for a major, minor, or concentration (as defined under academic terminology in this section of this catalog). A student must successfully complete, at Fontbonne University, a minimum of 15 upper-division (300/400 level) credit hours of departmental coursework required for the major. A student must successfully complete, at Fontbonne University, all certificate requirements.

College/Departmental and Major Requirements

An individual college or department may establish requirements (beyond general education and other institutional/graduation requirements) for students whose majors are in that unit. A college or department reserves the right to interpret requirements if questions arise. It is the student’s responsibility to know, understand, and fulfill the requirements of the major.

An academic department defines and administers the requirements for the majors, minors, concentrations, and certificate programs within that department.

A student must earn a minimum grade of C- in each course required for the major, minor, concentration, or certificate.

Double Majors

Since many Fontbonne major programs provide an opportunity for a student to choose electives, a student may work simultaneously toward majors in two different areas or disciplines. Both majors must lead to the same degree. The student must fulfill all requirements for both majors in addition to specific degree and graduation requirements.

A student who wishes to pursue two majors leading to different degrees (e.g., BA and BS) must take the additional 24 credit hours required for dual baccalaureate degrees. (See dual baccalaureate degree requirements above.)

Change of Major/Concentration/ Minor/Certification

A student who wishes to change his or her major, concentration, minor, or certification must obtain a change of major/concentration/minor/certification form from the office of the registrar and complete the form in its entirety. The registrar’s office will notify the former advisor to forward the student’s file to the new advisor if a change of advisor occurs.

When changing a major, concentration, minor, or certification a student may be required to use the current catalog if different from the catalog in effect at the time of the student’s initial matriculation.

Early Progress Report

At the fifth week of every fall and spring semester, instructors report students’ unsatisfactory academic progress to the registrar’s office. The registrar’s office will notify instructors that early progress reports must be submitted via the web one week prior to the mid-semester date for students who show unsatisfactory academic progress. The names of students who have one or more unsatisfactory reports will be sent to the office of academic advising and to the student’s academic advisor for intervention. This policy assumes that instructors will give and grade at least one substantial assignment or multiple smaller assignments prior to the mid-semester date of each semester. Providing early feedback on student progress facilitates student success.

Undergraduate Certificate Programs

Undergraduate certificate programs are designed for undergraduate students and for individuals who have completed a baccalaureate degree but are not enrolled in a graduate program. A certificate is defined a narrowly defined set of disciplinary or interdisciplinary classes that constitutes a discrete body of knowledge as determined by the department(s) in which the certificate is housed. Requirements for the completion of a certificate:

  1. A student must earn a minimum grade of C- in each course required for the certificate.
  2. Completion at Fontbonne of a minimum of 50 percent of the credit hours required for the certificate, culminating in a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. An individual department may establish a higher cumulative grade point average for a specific certificate program.
  3. Courses that fulfill the requirements for a certificate may also be used to fulfill major requirements, but may not be used to fulfill requirements for a minor, concentration, or another certificate.

Fontbonne policies and regulations apply to certificate-seeking students.

Placement Program

All Fontbonne undergraduate students must demonstrate college/university level skills in the areas of writing, mathematics, and algebra. Students deficient in any of these skills must successfully complete the appropriate developmental course(s) in writing, mathematics, and/or algebra within the first three full semesters (fall and spring) of enrolling at Fontbonne.

All incoming first-time, first-year students with an ACT or SAT sectional score below an established minimum, as determined by the undergraduate academic standards and review committee, can elect to take the computerized placement test, or to have their ACT (or SAT equivalent sub scores) used in lieu of further Fontbonne-administered testing for the purposes of placement in math and English classes. If a student has prior credit in a college/university-level course with a transferable grade, the student is exempt from testing in that academic area.

Transfer students are exempt from placement testing in any area in which transfer credits from an accredited college/university are accepted to meet a Fontbonne requirement.

The following students are exempt from developmental courses:

  • A student pursuing a second bachelor’s degree.
  • A student who holds a bachelor’s degree and who returns to complete professional certification or registration requirements.

A student must achieve a minimum grade of C- or better in a developmental course in order to move to the next level course. The credit for the MTH 091  course in mathematics will not count as credit toward the 120 credit hours required for graduation. The credit for the ENG 095  and MTH 095  courses in writing skills and in algebra will count as elective credit toward the 120 credit hours required for graduation.

Developmental Courses

Cooperative Education

The cooperative education program permits students to gain valuable work experience in their major field of study while earning money to help finance their education. Students with sophomore, junior, or senior status may apply for positions in business or non-profit organizations. Students earn one to six hours of academic credit for each semester of cooperative work experience. The credit, considered elective credit, contributes to the 120 hours required for graduation. Students may earn up to 18 hours of cooperative education credit. Students in all majors except education, special education, deaf education, and speech-language pathology may take advantage of this opportunity.

Honors Program

In philosophy, “telos” is an ultimate end or purpose. Faithful to the mission, values, and vision of Fontbonne University, the honors program (known as TELOS) seeks to foster a community of thinkers for motivated and intellectually curious students in and outside the classroom. TELOS is a holistic program that focuses not only on classroom experiences but also on leadership, service and social justice, and personal and professional development so that students can apply their education to their highest purposes.

Through the program, students who display outstanding intellectual curiosity in and outside their major fields of study have the opportunity to participate in a community of shared scholarship to develop personal and professional networks. Graduates of the program are recognized as such on their transcripts, at commencement, and honors convocation.

The TELOS program is designed to help motivated students gain the most from their Fontbonne education. The flexible nature of the program will allow students to design their requirements in consultation with their academic advisor and the program director. Students will have opportunities to deepen their work in their major fields; to do interdisciplinary thinking in fields outside their majors; and explore personal, professional, service, and leadership activities. These requirements will be filled by coursework and/or related co-curricular activities.

Active members of the program also have the privilege of early registration for all classes, have access to shared space for study and community building, and participate in personal development and professional networking activities. The program also sponsors or co-sponsors a variety of activities such as lectures, field trips, and performances or readings, intended to support the intellectual lives of honors students and to enrich the culture of the entire campus.

Joining the Program

The program will assess students holistically, not focusing solely on grade point averages or test scores, but on the potential for contribution to a thriving community of learners engaged in active exploration of a world in need.

A student may apply to the program at any point prior to the completion of 75 hours of college credit (or, in the case of transfer students, within two semesters after matriculation) and may complete requirements in a flexible amount of time, in consultation with the student’s advisor and the TELOS director. In addition, faculty and staff may nominate students who are considered good candidates for the program. To remain in good standing in the program, students must maintain a grade of C or better in all honors courses, maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, maintain enrollment in a zero-credit honors section, and remain in good disciplinary standing with the university.

Program Requirements

Honors Coursework

Honors students will complete a minimum of ten-credits of honors coursework. This includes two honors seminars (totaling six-credits). Students may complete three-credits of coursework via honors sections of general education courses, or they can contract an honors course (turn a regular course into an honors course). To contract on honors course, students must fill out a form provided by the TELOS director. In their final semester, students will register for a one-credit Portfolio Development course.

Honors courses promote intellectual curiosity and exchange across a range of major fields and academic interests. They will also tend to focus on how one’s learning can be applied to a world in need. Valuing liberal education, honors courses emphasize experiential learning, critical exchange, interdisciplinary approaches, and moral and ethical understanding. Students not enrolled in the honors program may be permitted to take honors courses if space is available and instructor permission is granted. Honors courses are not graded differently than other courses. Some honors seminars will also offer general education credit.

Senior Honors Project

The senior honors project is accomplished in conjunction with the capstone experience in the student’s academic discipline and offers students an opportunity to pursue in depth, an interest developed during their education. Example projects include: a research project, a scientific experiment, a field experience, a series of readings, creative writing, the production of a film, or some similar culminating experience that will result in an academic artifact. The senior honors project must exceed the ordinary requirements defined by the department for such work. It will be completed under the direction of a faculty advisor in the student’s major program and coordinated with the TELOS director.

Departments will formalize expectations for students who are pursuing honors. The TELOS director will approve all projects in consultation with students’ respective academic advisor. Before students embark on their project, they must complete the Senior Honors Project Proposal Form. Proposals must be submitted to the TELOS Director before mid-semester in the fall of the student’s senior year. TELOS students will also be expected to share their senior honors projects at the annual Academic Exhibition.

Customized Experiential Portfolio

Students will register for a 1-credit Portfolio Development course in their final semester.

Students will design a digital/multimedia portfolio of experiences that adhere to the pillars of TELOS (Transformation, Exploration, Leadership, Occupation, Service & Social Justice). The pillars are defined below.

Transformation: Experiences or coursework related to personal, spiritual, and/or creative growth.

Exploration: Experiences or coursework related academic inquiry outside the major field or general education requirements, encouraging breadth of knowledge and perspectives.

Leadership: Experiences or coursework related to understanding a variety of forms of leadership (e.g., introverted, extroverted) and influence and students’ unique leadership qualities and how to employ them.

Occupation: Experiences or coursework within their academic major fields that allow students to deepen their preparation for their professional lives.

Service and Social Justice: Experiences or coursework related to applying one’s education and personal experiences to a world in need, on and off campus.

The specific ways in which students fulfill these categories will vary by student interest and need. Students may fulfill some categories through coursework but may also apply extracurricular and co-curricular experiences to their portfolios. Students will document their experiences throughout their time at Fontbonne and use these notes to shape the reflective narratives and artifacts in their portfolio. When the portfolios are complete, students will submit them to GriffinShare to be accessed and archived by the Fontbonne community.  

Active Participation

Students are expected to participate regularly in the community life of the program. This includes attending social and academic events. Each semester, the student will enroll in a zero-credit TELOS course to indicate their ongoing participation in the program; this designation will not require coursework but will allow the student to maintain his or her membership.

The Dean’s List

The dean’s list is published at the end of fall and spring semesters. To be considered for the dean’s list a student must:

  • be a full-time undergraduate student earning a bachelor’s degree.
  • earn a minimum of 12 undergraduate credit hours in the semester. (The grades for courses that end after the last official day of the semester will not be calculated for consideration for the dean’s list.) Since P, NP, and I grades are not computed in the GPA, any credit hours graded P, NP, or I will not count toward the required minimum of 12 credit hours. However, students who successfully complete required courses that are offered only on a P/NP basis and who have completed at least six graded credits are eligible.
  • achieve a semester GPA of 3.7 or above.

Policies Related to Transfer Credit After Entering Fontbonne University

  1. A student may not take courses required for the degree at any other institution during the semester in which the degree is to be conferred. The only exception to this policy is an institution with which Fontbonne has an inter-institutional agreement; however, this is not recommended.
  2. A student may not take CLEP or apply for any externally-granted credit through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) during the semester in which the degree is to be conferred.
  3. All transcripts of previously earned coursework, CLEP, and internal PLA documentation must be submitted to the office of the registrar upon completion of the coursework, but at the latest by the midterm date of the semester in which the student will graduate.
  4. A minimum of 30 credit hours must be completed at Fontbonne University (residency requirement).
  5. A maximum of 64 credit hours will be accepted from a community college.
  6. A student who has transferred in the maximum number of 64 credit hours to Fontbonne from a community college may “back out” from their academic record a maximum of 15 community college credit hours that do not meet general education or major requirements.

Probationary Status and Dismissals for Undergraduate Students

The Undergraduate Academic Committee reviews the academic status of all full and part-time degree seeking students at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Each undergraduate student must maintain a minimum Fontbonne (FBU) cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 to remain in good standing at Fontbonne. The University reserves the right to assign Probation status or Dismiss students who do not maintain the minimum academic standards.

Probationary Status

Probation is defined as an FBU cumulative GPA lower than 2.00 on the semester immediately following a semester in good standing. Continuing Probation (CP) is defined as the semester GPA greater than or equal to 2.00 immediately following the Probation semester, yet the cumulative GPA remains lower than 2.00.

The University reserves the right to require mandatory academic support activities, including a maximum course load and/or specific courses, when a student is on Probation or CP. Students on Probation (first-time probation) are automatically enrolled in a one credit hour course, INT 103 Pathway to Achieving Student Success (PASS). Students on CP are automatically enrolled in a one credit hour independent study, INT 104, Strategies for Self-Directed Learning. A student who is on Probation or CP is also required to repeat failed courses (if available) in the semester of Probation or CP status. A student who is on Probation or CP is ineligible to participate on a sports team, or to hold a leadership position as president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer in a student organization, association or club.

Academic Dismissal

Students earning an FBU cumulative GPA below 1.00 will be dismissed for academic deficiencies without first being placed on Probation. Dismissal letters will include a process for guiding the student during the appeal process.

Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 after returning to Good Standing will be dismissed. Student on CP failing to earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 after two semesters of CP will be dismissed. A student who is dismissed may appeal the decision by sending a letter of appeal to the Office of Academic Affairs within the timeline of the dismissal letter. The dismissed student may apply for readmission to Fontbonne University one full calendar year after dismissal. The student must apply to the Office of Admission for readmission consideration by the Undergraduate Academic Committee. Students who have been dismissed, appealed, and readmitted to the university twice may not appeal a third dismissal.

Probationary Status and Dismissals in Intensive English Program

Students in the Intensive English Program (IEP) must achieve a grade of PASS in each class to be considered to be in good standing. If a student achieves a grade of NOT PASS in a class, the student is allowed to repeat the class. If the student receives a grade of NOT PASS a second time for the same class, the student will be is reviewed by the IEP academic review committee. The committee reviews the student’s entire academic record in the IEP Program. Upon review, if the committee determines that the student’s NOT PASS grade is due to a lack of attendance or failure to do the required work, the student is dismissed. If it is determined that the student’s grade is not due to lack of attendance and/or failure to do the required work, the student may be allowed to enroll in the class a third time. If after enrolling in the class a third time, the student does not achieve a grade of PASS, the student will be dismissed from the Intensive English Program and the university.

The academic status of students in the ESL Program is subject to review by the undergraduate academic committee at the end of the fall and spring semester, and is subject to the same policies as are all degree-seeking students. (See the university’s policies on probationary status and dismissals in the academic policies and regulations section of this catalog).

Non-Academic Dismissal

A student may be dismissed at any time from Fontbonne University for a variety of non-academic offenses. These include, but are not limited to, behavior or attitudes unworthy of a good campus citizen, an unsatisfactory financial record, or violation of any policy of Fontbonne University. For further information, refer to the Griffin Scratch Student Handbook.

Academic Appeals Process for Undergraduate Students

An undergraduate student, who wishes to petition the academic appeals committee for a hearing for a final grade appeal or for a hearing for an academic matter other than a final grade, must consult with Office of Academic Affairs which will provide the student with a copy of the academic appeal policy, procedures, and timelines.

The academic appeals committee, comprised of five elected faculty members and eight students selected by the office of academic affairs in consultation with department chairs, serves to offer a fair hearing to the student. Three faculty and three undergraduate students are selected from the committee to serve with the committee chair at any hearing.

Appeals ordinarily are not heard in the summer session.

Academic Appeal Regarding Matters Other Than Grades

If an undergraduate student wishes to appeal an academic issue other than a recorded final grade, the student must consult with the Office of Academic Affairs as to the appropriate process to follow as it relates to the appeal issue. Within one calendar week following this consultation the student must provide a formal letter of appeal to the Office of Academic Affairs, which will then direct the letter to the appropriate individual/committee for resolution.

Final Grade Appeal

If an undergraduate student wishes to challenge a recorded final grade, the student must begin the appeal process no later than three weeks into the next fall or spring semester.

Students should attempt to resolve a grade complaint in conversation with the professor before beginning a formal appeal. If the matter cannot be resolved, the student should begin the appeals process, as described below.

The appeal process begins as the student must put into writing the reasons he or she believes the grade is incorrect. The student must then provide this rationale to the instructor of the course. If the instructor changes the grade to the student’s satisfaction, the process ends there. If the instructor does not agree, then the instructor will put into writing his or her explanation for the grade. If the student chooses to continue the appeal, he or she will bring the written documentation of the student and instructor to the department chair. If the department chair changes the grade to the student’s satisfaction, the process ends there. If the department chair does not agree, then the department chair will also put into writing his or her explanation for the denial. If the student wishes to continue the appeal, he or she will then bring all the written materials collected thus far to the dean of the college in which the course is offered. If the dean changes the grade to the student’s satisfaction, the process ends there. If the dean does not agree with the student, he or she will put into writing his or her reasons for the denial. If the student chooses to continue the appeal, he or she should then bring all the existing written documentation-from the student, the instructor, the chair, and the dean - to the Provost.

The Academic Appeals committee will consider the student appeal at its next scheduled meeting. The Appeals committee normally meets once per semester. If the Appeals committee finds against the student, the decision is final. People at each level of responsibility in the appeal are expected to respond in a timely manner-normally within a week.

Graduate Academic Information

Graduate Degree Requirements

Please refer to individual graduate programs in the University Catalog for degree requirements.

Residency Requirements for Graduate Degrees

All required coursework for a master’s degree must be completed at Fontbonne University with the exception of the credit hours that may be transferred (see Transfer of Credit below).

The final semester/term of graduate coursework must be completed at Fontbonne, regardless of the number of credit hours taken.

The deadline for the receipt of the official transcript(s) must be met for the student to graduate.

Transfer of Credit for Graduate Degrees

Each graduate program director will determine the number of transfer credit hours that may be accepted for his/her program, based on the following guidelines:

Total Credit Hours in Program Total Credit Hours Transferable
30 - 41 6
42 - 56 9
57 and above 12

The student must submit official transcripts of all work completed at other accredited, degree-granting institutions before transfer credit may be awarded. Each course must have been completed with a minimum grade of B-. A transfer course must be comparable in content to the Fontbonne course. The Fontbonne course replaced by the transfer course will be determined by the program director and approved by the college dean or department chair. Some programs may have more strict policies for transfer of credit.

Continuous Attendance Requirement

Fontbonne University requires a reasonable degree of continuity in attendance at Fontbonne for all students. The university reserves the right to establish time limits on degree programs and courses. Students who require a temporary break from their studies may pursue a Leave of Absence. Students returning after an extended period of time will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Fontbonne may invoke more recent degree and/or other requirements, such as:

  • If considerable time has elapsed since the student achieved degree-seeking status.
  • If the degree requirements have changed substantially since the student began the program.
  • If the student leaves the university without an approved leave of absence and re-enters at a later date, the student must follow all requirements stipulated in the catalog in effect at the time of re-entry.

Statute of Limitations

After official acceptance into a degree program, a graduate student must complete all the requirements for the graduate degree within six years of the date of the first course taken.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Graduate Students

To earn a Fontbonne University graduate degree, a student must complete all requirements for the specific graduate program and the degree.

Federal regulations require the university to establish standards for satisfactory academic progress as an eligibility requirement for financial assistance.

A degree-seeking graduate student at Fontbonne University is expected to perform at a satisfactory academic level by:

  • earning grades of B- or above in all graduate courses,
  • achieving and maintaining a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0, and
  • following all academic requirements specific to the graduate program.

The following policies apply:

C and/or F Grades

A student who earns a grade of C in a graduate course will immediately be sent a letter of concern by the graduate program director with a copy sent to the advisor and a copy placed in the student’s file. A student who earns a second C will be dismissed. The student may appeal the dismissal and request immediate reinstatement to the program by petitioning the college dean and with their permission may retake one of the two courses in which the C was earned as soon as the course is available. The dean may set the conditions for retaking the course, including which of the two courses should be repeated.

A student who earns an F in a graduate course will be dismissed from the program and the university.

Repeating Graduate Courses

A graduate student may repeat one graduate course and repeat that graduate course one time only.

Since many graduate courses are not offered each academic semester/term, the student who earned a first grade of C in a graduate course may, with the approval of the graduate program director, be allowed to take a limited number of additional graduate courses until he/she has the opportunity to repeat the course in which the C was earned. Additional conditions pertaining to continued enrollment may be set by the program. A letter stating the conditions will be sent by the program to the student, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the advisor, with a copy placed in the student’s file.

Graduate Courses Taken Across Departments Within Fontbonne

A student must receive prior written approval from each of the program directors to enroll in another graduate program’s course that is not specifically required for the student’s program.

Change of Graduate Degree Program

A graduate student who wishes to change his or her graduate degree program must notify his/her current program director in writing of the intent to do so. The student must then complete the appropriate application materials required by the new program of choice.

When changing a graduate program, a student may be required to follow the current catalog if different from the catalog in effect at the time of the student’s initial matriculation.