Feb 11, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog
Business Administration, M.B.A.
The Master of Business Administration degree program is designed expressly for professionals interested in management of an enterprise or leadership of a major division of an organization. Reflecting contemporary academic practice, the curriculum focuses on the functional competencies required of managers. This degree emphasizes the identification, analysis, and solution of complex management problems that require technical understanding and balanced decision making. The courses in this degree are offered in face-to-face and online formats.
For detailed information on university admission policies, please refer to Admission Policies information. In addition, the Eckelkamp College of Global Business and Professional Studies requires the following:
- A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited, degree-granting college or university. Official transcripts must be received directly from the institution.
- A completed application form
- A self-statement of 300-500 words that the business admissions council, program director and/or chair will read and review prior to admittance.
- A current resume
- A minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
A maximum of six credit hours of graduate work may be transferred into the program at the discretion of the academic administration of the college. Such graduate transfer credit must:
- Be approximately equivalent to a specific course in the curriculum.
- Have a letter grade of A or B.
- Have been earned at an accredited, degree-granting institution of higher education.
- Have been completed within the six years prior to entry.
Requirements and Policies
- Students must complete all courses in the graduate program’s curriculum.
- A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required for the program. A student receiving a grade less than B- in two or more courses or an F in one course in the curriculum may be dismissed from the program, notwithstanding a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
- The maximum time for completion of the program is six years from the date of the beginning of the first course in the program.
Learning Outcomes
Departmental Learning Outcomes: - Graduates will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively both orally (o) and in writing (w).
- Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of the legal and ethical environment impacting business organizations and exhibit an understanding and appreciation of the ethical implications of decisions.
- Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of and appreciation for the importance of the impact of globalization and diversity in modern organizations.
- Graduates will demonstrate an ability to engage in critical thinking by analyzing situations and constructing and selecting viable solutions to solve problems.
- Graduates will demonstrate and ability to work effectively with others.
- Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of current information, theories and models, and techniques and practices in all of the major business disciplines including general areas of Accounting, Management, Marketing, Sports Management, and Quantitative Analysis.
Program Learning Outcomes: - Assess, evaluate, and communicate the ethical and social responsibilities of organizational decision making.
- Examine the global perspective of organizations that influences the business environment.
Preparatory Core
Students must have a minimum of one course in each of the following content areas, subject to limited exceptions. In addition to the courses/content areas listed below, students must be proficient in Word and Excel or an equivalent program. The decision as to what courses satisfy the preparatory core shall be made by the faculty and administration of the college. Accelerated Master’s Approved Courses
Three 3 courses (9 credit hours) from the following list can be counted for both undergraduate and graduate as part of the accelerated master’s program. |