2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

Course Descriptions


Computer Science

  • CIS 160 - Computer Science I

    Credit(s): 4
    Emphasis on programming in C and introduction to C++, including structural programming concepts, simple data types and structures, C and C++ syntax, operators, control structures secure coding skills. Lab exercises include techniques of coding, program design, and debugging. Students in this course who are majoring in mathematics, computer science, cybersecurity or management information science must earn grades of B- or better in this course to progress to CIS 161  and/or CIS 210 . FA
    Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in MTH 095  or competency in arithmetic and algebra. For CS, Cybersecurity or MIS majors, CIS 120  is a pre- or co-requisite.
  • CIS 161 - Advanced Programming using C++

    Credit(s): 4
    Continuation of Computer Science I, with extensive programming in the C++ language. Includes knowledge of how variables and arrays are updated in memory, pass-by-copy/reference parameter passing, strings, vectors, classes, objects, streams, file I/O and secure coding. Emphasizes incremental and modular development, and testing/debugging. Students in this course who are majoring in mathematics, computer science, cybersecurity or management information systems must earn grades of B- or better to progress to CIS 210  and above. SP
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 160 .
  • CIS 176 - Programming for Everyone I

    Credit(s): 3
    This course is designed provide students with a foundational knowledge of programming using Python. This course focus on first introduce students to the core syntax, commands, and data structures of the Python programming language Then, students will explore basic concepts of program construction as well as how to use Python built-in data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples to perform data analysis.  FA
  • CIS 200 - Scientific Computing Languages

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers an introduction to scripting languages and their applications to scientific data (currently Python programming language and the R-statistical analysis program will be taught). SP
    Prerequisite(s): (MTH 125  or MTH 115 )
  • CIS 210 - Object-Oriented Programming (Java)

    Credit(s): 4
    Introduction to concepts of abstract data type and inheritance. Topics include the fundamentals of object-oriented program design, secure coding skills, object-oriented programming using Java. Lab exercises include introductory to intermediate level software analysis and design. FA
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161 .
  • CIS 215 - Database Fundamentals and Web Server Programming

    Credit(s): 3
    An introduction to server technology, database fundamentals and web server programming. Topics include system architecture, file servers, FTP servers, web servers, database servers with an emphasis on server installation and configuration as well as DB table design and management, creating and using queries and writing programs on the server to support a web site. The crosscutting concepts emphasized in this course are risk and systems thinking. FA Odd.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 160  and CIS 161 .
  • CIS 216 - Programming for Everyone II

    Credit(s): 3
    This course teaches students about the fundamentals of data access, data management, and expands upon the topics learned in CSC II. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to leverage their Python skills to treat the internet as a source of data. Students will work with HTML, XML and JSON data formats in Python. The second half of the course introduces students to the fundamentals of Structured Query Language (SQL) and database design as part of a multi-step data gathering, analysis and processing effort. As part of the course, students will build web crawlers and multi-step data gathering and visualization processes.  SP
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 176  or CIS 200  
  • CIS 226 - Content and System Design

    Credit(s): 3
    The experience of a game is driven by four major components: content, systems, narrative, and user experience. This class provides students with a working understanding of all four of said components, as well as a deeper understanding of the game development process and an introduction to concepts in scripting. 
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 126  
  • CIS 250 - Algorithms and Data Structures

    Credit(s): 3
    Introduction to the principles of algorithm analysis, abstract data types covering stacks, queues, lists, trees and recursion, algorithms of sorting and searching. Additional topics include graph algorithms, text compression, dynamic programming, and randomized algorithms. SP
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 210 .
  • CIS 256 - Unity I: Working with Unity

    Credit(s): 3
    Grows students’ familiarity with the Unity engine and editor. Students will explore a variety of concepts, tools, and frameworks, with the ultimate goal of building the skills necessary to create a game in Unity. These topics will include interfaces, environments, physics, animation, lighting and sound. 
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 200  and CIS 226  
  • CIS 280 - Research in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Provides an opportunity for a student to conduct research on a topic of interest in computer science. Research will be conducted in a non-classroom, individualized environment utilizing the skills and knowledge obtained in computer science courses. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): consent of the department chair and instructor.
  • CIS 281 - Research in Cybersecurity

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Provides an opportunity for a student to conduct research on a topic of interest in cybersecurity. Research will be conducted in a non-classroom, individualized environment utilizing the skills and knowledge obtained in cybersecurity courses. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): consent of the department chair and instructor.
  • CIS 282 - Research in Management Information Systems

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Provides an opportunity for a student to conduct research on a topic of interest in management information systems. Research will be conducted in a non-classroom, individualized environment utilizing the skills and knowledge obtained in management information systems courses. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): consent of the department chair and instructor.
  • CIS 284 - Internship in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Provides a supervised, off-campus, field-based experience, in computer science at an approved site specifically related to the career goals of the student. The purpose of the course is to integrate and apply academic knowledge and skills to the professional environment. Credits are determined by the number of hours that a student works at the internship site. Offered on P/F basis. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161 .
  • CIS 285 - Internship in Cybersecurity

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Provides a supervised, off-campus, field-based experience, in cybersecurity at an approved site specifically related to the career goals of the student. The purpose of the course is to integrate and apply academic knowledge and skills to the professional environment. Credits are determined by the number of hours that a student works at the internship site. Offered on P/F basis. Offered as needed
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161  and CIS 125 .
  • CIS 286 - Internship in Management Information Systems

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Provides a supervised, off-campus, field-based experience, in management information systems, at an approved site specifically related to the career goals of the student. The purpose of the course is to integrate and apply academic knowledge and skills to the professional environment. Credits are determined by the number of hours that a student works at the internship site. Offered on P/F basis. Offered as needed
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161  
  • CIS 288 - Portfolio A

    Credit(s): 0
    Portfolio A requires students to submit artifacts from three specific courses required for their undergraduate major within the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science along with other specified items. The specific courses are listed in the current catalog. Successful submission of Portfolio A is required for CIS 498. FA, SP, SU
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status.
  • CIS 290 - IT Project Management

    Credit(s): 3
    Provides the student with the knowledge of how to create, organize, and execute a plan in order to achieve IT business objectives. This course will present management ideas, terms, strategies and best practices for the IT environment. The emphases of this course will be on planning, communicating and achieving stated IT business goals. SP
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161  or CIS 210  or CIS 200  
  • CIS 293 - Topics in the Business Computing Environment

    Credit(s): 3
    Course addresses topics of current interest in the business computing environment. Offered as needed.
  • CIS 300 - Modeling and Numerical Approximation

    Credit(s): 3
    Principles of model construction with selected case studies from various fields. Also, techniques of numerical approximation. SP (Odd)
    Prerequisite(s): (CIS 160  or CIS 200 ) and MTH 150 .
  • CIS 310 - Computer Architecture and Assembly Language

    Credit(s): 3
    Topics covering theoretical aspects and concepts of hardware and computer systems including logic gates, combinational and sequential circuits, memory and registers, control logic design, instructions and addressing. Teaches programming in one assembly language. FA (Even)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161  and (CIS 120  or MTH 120 ).
  • CIS 315 - Advanced Server-side Programming

    Credit(s): 3
    This course teaches the advanced techniques of server-side programming over the Internet. Topics include using session control, accessing back-end database servers, E-commerce security issues, interacting with file systems, implementing secure transactions, and using network and protocol functions. SP
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 215 .
  • CIS 330 - Database Management Systems

    Credit(s): 3
    Provide comprehensive data management and integrity, database design and evaluation, query design and evaluation, and web interfacing. Students will learn all the steps from data modeling (ER diagrams) to table generation and linking to accessing and querying using SQL to enhance data availability. The cross-cutting concepts of data availability and integrity are covered in the course. FA
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161 .
  • CIS 340 - Concepts of Telecommunications and Networking

    Credit(s): 3
    Introduction to the principles and practice of data communication and computer networking. Topics include the theoretical aspects of various methods, media, protocols, data compression, and security in telecommunication. Also includes lab exercises of network and remote access configuration and data exchange. FA
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161  and (CIS 120  or MTH 120 ) and (MTH 115  as corequisite or prerequisite).
  • CIS 355 - Principles of Operating Systems

    Credit(s): 3
    Topics cover the theoretical aspects and concepts of operating systems including system structures, scheduling, concurrent processes and deadlock handling, storage and file management, system protection and security. Also includes lab exercises in UNIX system configuration. SP
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161  and (CIS 120  or MTH 120 ).
  • CIS 356 - Operating System Security and Administration

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers fundamental knowledge of Linux and Windows operating systems administration and security with an emphasis on operating system installation, configuration, administration, and system confidentiality and availability. Topics include operating system setup, user account control, file system protection, activity logging, system call auditing, address space management, and intrusion detections.  SP
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 120 CIS 125  and CIS 161 . Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): CIS 355  
  • CIS 380 - Web Development Security

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers web development security with an emphasis on the fundamental principles of security in web applications. Topics include web browser security, server-side web application security and web database security. The cross-cutting concepts which are emphasized in this course will be confidentiality, integrity, availability, risk, and adversarial thinking.  FA (Even)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 120 CIS 125  and CIS 215  
  • CIS 394 - Topics in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Course generated by the department to supplement regular course listings. Addresses topics in computer science. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 250  and (Junior/senior status or consent of instructor).
  • CIS 395 - Topics in Cybersecurity

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Course generated by the department to supplement regular course listings. Addresses topics in cybersecurity. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 250  and (Junior/senior status or consent of instructor).
  • CIS 396 - Topics in Management Information Systems

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Course generated by the department to supplement regular course listings. Addresses topics in management information systems. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 210  and (Junior/senior status or consent of instructor).
  • CIS 400 - Information Technology Audit

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers core concepts of auditing information technology and general controls and provides a necessary basis for pursuing roles in IT Audit and public accounting IT internships.  SP
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 115  and CIS 125  and CIS 330  and one of the following: CIS 161 CIS 210 , CIS 200  
  • CIS 405 - Principles of Cryptography

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 405 is cross-listed with CIS 535 . To distinguish CIS 535  from CIS 405 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Includes the fundamentals of cryptography including the concept of obscuring functions, cryptographic techniques, types of ciphers, proper uses of ciphers, ethical uses of cryptography and decryption practices. Topics also include randomness, polymorphism and current trends in cryptography. Students will learn how to use cryptographic techniques to master the cross-cutting cybersecurity concepts of confidentiality and integrity in system design. They will also learn how to think like and adversary when analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of cryptographic algorithms. FA (Even).
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 125 CIS 161  and MTH 120 .
  • CIS 406 - Unity II: Advanced Unity Programming

    Credit(s): 3
    Provide students with the skills and knowledge to bring their mastery of the Unity game engine and C# programming up to a professional standard. Students will learn how to perform a range of vital code-based tasks within the Unity platform, and will grow their skills in building core gameplay functionality, supporting systems and platform-specific optimizations.  Offered as needed
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 216 , CIS 250 , CIS 256 CIS 451 , MTH 150  
  • CIS 411 - Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 511  

    Provides the student with skills and techniques to combine the two technologies of Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things (IoT). Challenges that arise when IoT meets Cloud will also be covered. While IoT is exiting on its own, the real innovation comes from combining it with cloud computing. This course will focus both on the development of smart embedded devices using popular hardware platforms as well as Cloud solution deployment by utilizing services by leading providers. SP, SU  Prerequisite; CIS 355

    Cross-listed with: CIS 511  . To distinguish CIS 511  from CIS  411 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned SP, SU
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 355  

  • CIS 415 - Server Security and Maintenance/Troubleshooting

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers the security principles and practices used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of different types of servers, such as file serve, database server, web server, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server, mail server and Domain Name server (DNS). Server installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting will be studied. FA (Even)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 120 CIS 125  and CIS 356  
  • CIS 421 - Compiling Theory and Programming Languages

    Credit(s): 3
    Comparative study of programming languages and concepts such as grammars and parse trees, interpretation and compilation, and generation of optimal code. A number of programming languages will be studied relative to their history, design implementation, and evaluation. SP (Even)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 250  and (CIS 120  or MTH 120 ).
  • CIS 425 - Digital Forensics and Analysis

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 425 is cross-listed with CIS 525 . To distinguish CIS 525  from CIS 425 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Covers the technical and legal issues facing digital forensic examiners. Students will learn effective and appropriate forensic response strategies to support cybercrime investigative efforts, and to assess and manage risks. The focus is on acquiring the skills needed to identify and collect potentially harmful digital evidence from computers and mobile devices, to analyze that evidence using chain of custody methods and to report forensic findings.  FA (Odd)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 125  and CIS 356 .
  • CIS 432 - Ethical Hacking

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 432 is cross-listed with CIS 591 . To distinguish CIS 591  from CIS 432 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    This course introduces the tools and techniques associated with the cybersecurity practice known as ethical hacking or penetration testing. The course covers not only laws and regulations, but also the steps in penetration testing such as planning, scanning, exploiting, and result reporting. Students are taught how system vulnerabilities are discovered and exploited. They will also learn how to avoid vulnerabilities and how to react and defend if they do occur as well as how to design controls to prevent future attacks in real-life situations. Other topics include: system, wireless, web, and database hacking; penetration testing methods and tools. The course is designed to provide a rich learning experience to students through the use of hands-on exercises and discussions on the course material. The cross-cutting concepts which are emphasized in this course will be: risk, and adversarial thinking. SP (Odd)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 125  and CIS 161 . Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): CIS 356.
  • CIS 435 - Big Data Analysis and Visualization

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 435 is cross-listed with CIS 557 . To distinguish CIS 557  from CIS 435 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Provides a survey of the concepts and skills associated with data analytics and visualization. The course will focus on probability sampling and complex survey data collection methods used to analyze and visualize data collected in statistical surveys. Mobile, online and multi-mode surveys will be the sources of the data collection process. Application areas such as marketing and social engineering will be studied, along with the ethical considerations one must keep in mind when interpreting data. CIS 435 is cross-listed with CIS 557 . To distinguish CIS 557  from CIS 435 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned. SP Odd.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 200 . MTH 325  is a pre- or co-requisite.
  • CIS 437 - Secure Coding in Cloud Environments

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 437 is cross-listed with CIS 537 . To distinguish CIS 437 from CIS 537  additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Introduces topics of cloud computing and covers core distributed systems concepts used inside clouds. Using on the popular cloud provider platforms the course employs hands-on activities to cover computing fundamentals, creating of cloud instances, web services and elastic storage, networking, databases and virtualization. Security issues and best practices in each of these cloud components are discussed. As a culmination of the course, the students build and deploy a working cloud application that combines all the aspects covered in the course.  CIS 437 is cross-listed with CIS 537 . To distinguish CIS 437 from CIS 537  additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned. SP Even.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 215  
  • CIS 445 - Network Security and Management

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 445 is cross-listed with CIS 530 . To distinguish CIS 530  from CIS 445 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Covers network security and management with an emphasis on computer network security, implementation, and management. Topics include network core devices (such as routers and switches) setup, configuration, maintenance, security, and firewall management. Cross-cutting concepts emphasized in this course are confidentiality, integrity, availability, risk, and systems thinking. FA Odd.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 120  and CIS 125 . CIS 340  is a pre- or co-requisite.
  • CIS 451 - .NET Programming Environment

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 451 is cross-listed with CIS 570 . To distinguish CIS 570  from CIS 451 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Covers advanced topics of the Microsoft .NET framework, C# programming language, GUI application development, multithread programming, file processing and regular expressions. CIS 451 is cross-listed with CIS 570 . To distinguish CIS 570  from CIS 451 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned. SP Even.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 210  
  • CIS 455 - Machine Learning I

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 455 and CIS 555  are cross-listed. To distinguish CIS 455 from CIS 555  additional or differentiated assessments and/or appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Covers data analysis methods to recognize trends and patterns of big data. The emphasis will be on classification, regression and model fitting. Application areas such as healthcare, finance, game playing, marketing and internet fraud detection will be studied. FA (Odd)
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 115  and CIS 200 .
  • CIS 456 - Capstone Project: Building a Game

    Credit(s): 3
    ​Serves as a culmination of all a student’s work in the Game Development major. Students will work in groups to build a game in the unity engine that uses real-time 2D or 3D visuals and showcases their understanding of the core principles of game design. Students will pitch their game, design, prototype, build and test their game. Students will be evaluated based on the quality of their game, and their internal project management processes  Offered as needed
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 406
  • CIS 460 - Artificial Intelligence

    Credit(s): 3
    A survey of concepts, techniques, and applications of AI, including knowledge abstraction and representation, knowledge-based systems, heuristic searching, natural language understanding, machine learning, and automated reasoning. Use of LISP or PROLOG, or other appropriate language, to develop a substantial project in expert systems is required. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 250  or consent of the instructor.
  • CIS 465 - Robotics

    Credit(s): 3
    Introduces students to the basics of modeling, design, planning, programming and control of robot systems. Topics include an exploration of the principles and algorithms for computation in the physical world, kinematics, geometric reasoning, motion planning, behavior-based artificial intelligence and some philosophical questions pertaining to the nature of intelligence in the physical world. FA (Even)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 210 CIS 250 , and MTH 151  
  • CIS 470 - Deep Learning

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 470 is cross-listed with CIS 558 . To distinguish CIS 558  from CIS 470 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Focuses on deep learning, which is a subset of machine learning, to predict the characteristics of data based on the hierarchal structure of the data. Deep learning covers advanced supervised/unsupervised methods of classification and regression, structured prediction and anomaly detection with an emphasis on the development of the algorithms used to simulate high-level abstractions of data based on low-level layers. Models such as unsupervised Bayesian, Inference procedures and non-parametric models will be discussed. CIS 470 is cross-listed with CIS 558 . To distinguish CIS CIS 558  from CIS 470 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned. SP (Even)
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 455  
  • CIS 472 - Android Programming

    Credit(s): 3
    Provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to design and build Android apps using the most current Android programming platform. Students will complete multiple Android apps that run on a real Android smartphone/tablet, starting from simpler ones to complex ones. (Note, students may choose either this course or CIS 473  to fulfill an elective choice for the BS in computer science or management information systems.) SP (odd)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 210 .
  • CIS 473 - iOS Programming

    Credit(s): 3
    Provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to design and build iOS apps using the most current iOS programming platform. Students will complete multiple iOS applications that run on iPhones/iPads, starting from simple ones to complex ones. (Note, students may choose either this course or CIS 472   to fulfill an elective choice for the BS in computer science or management information systems.) SP (even)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 161 .
  • CIS 474 - Software Engineering I

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 474 is cross-listed with CIS 503 . To distinguish CIS 503  from CIS 474 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Course introduces classical and object-oriented software engineering principles. Topics include the scope of software engineering, the software process, software life cycle models, documentation, tools, testing, quality assurance, project management, object-oriented analysis and design, system views, patterns, and modeling using UML, in the context of generic object-oriented development process. Students are required to design and build software projects through team effort. The projects cover the principal system development life-cycle phases. CIS 474 is cross-listed with CIS 503 . To distinguish CIS 503  from CIS 474 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned. FA (Even)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 210  and CIS 330  
  • CIS 475 - Software Engineering II

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 475 is cross-listed with CIS 513 . To distinguish CIS 513  from CIS 475 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Continuation of Software Engineering I. Topics include the scope of system design, object analysis and design, implementing, testing, configuration management, and use of various tools that aid software development. Students are required to design, implement, test, and release software projects through team effort. The projects cover the principal system development lifecycle phases. CIS 475 is cross-listed with CIS 513 . To distinguish CIS 513  from CIS 475 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned. SP (Odd)
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 474  
  • CIS 476 - Reverse Engineering

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 575  

    Covers both the art and science of software reverse engineering. Beginning with the foundational techniques used to analyze both source and binary codes, the course will examine current threats and discuss the actions needed to prevent attackers from taking advantage of both known and unknown vulnerabilities. The course will cover passive and active reverse engineering techniques in order to discover and categorize software vulnerabilities, create patches and workarounds to better secure the system, and describe security solutions that provide protection from an adversary attempting to explant the vulnerabilities. Techniques covered include the use of static analysis, dynamic reverse engineering tools, and fault injection via fuzzing to better understand and improve the security of software. To distinguish CIS 575  from CIS 476 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned. SP Odd
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 125  and CIS 310  
  • CIS 480 - Research in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Provides an opportunity for a student to conduct research on a topic of interest in computer science. Research will be conducted in a non-classroom, individualized environment utilizing the skills and knowledge obtained in computer sciences courses. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): (junior/senior status) and the consent of the department chair and instructor.
  • CIS 481 - Research in Cybersecurity

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Provides an opportunity for a student to conduct research on a topic of interest in cybersecurity. Research will be conducted in a non-classroom, individualized environment utilizing the skills and knowledge obtained in cybersecurity courses. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): (junior/senior status) and the consent of the department chair and instructor.
  • CIS 482 - Research in Management Information Systems

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Provides an opportunity for a student to conduct research on a topic of interest in management information systems. Research will be conducted in a non-classroom, individualized environment utilizing the skills and knowledge obtained in management information system courses. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): (junior/senior status) and the consent of the department chair and instructor.
  • CIS 483 - Research in Data Science

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Provides an opportunity for a student to conduct research on a topic of interest in data science. Research will be conducted in a non-classroom, individualized environment utilizing the skills and knowledge obtained in computer sciences courses.

      Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior status and the consent of the department chair and instructor.

  • CIS 484 - Internship in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Provides a supervised, off-campus, field-based experience, in computer science at an approved site specifically related to the career goals of the student. The purpose of the course is to integrate and apply academic knowledge and skills to the professional environment. Credits are determined by the number of hours that a student works at the internship site. Offered on P/F basis. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): at least two 300-level computer science courses.
  • CIS 485 - Internship in Cybersecurity

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Provides a supervised, off-campus, field-based experience, in cybersecurity at an approved site specifically related to the career goals of the student. The purpose of the course is to integrate and apply academic knowledge and skills to the professional environment. Credits are determined by the number of hours that a student works at the internship site. Offered on P/F basis. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): at least two 300-level cybersecurity courses.
  • CIS 486 - Internship in Management Information Systems

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Provides a supervised, off-campus, field-based experience in management information systems, at an approved site specifically related to the career goals of the student. The purpose of the course is to integrate and apply academic knowledge and skills to the professional environment. Credits are determined by the number of hours that a student works at the internship site. Offered on P/F basis. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): at least two 300-level computer science courses.
  • CIS 487 - Internship in Data Science

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Provides a supervised, off-campus, field-based experience, in data science at an approved site specifically related to the career goals of the student. The purpose of the course is to integrate and apply academic knowledge and skills to the professional environment. Credits are determined by the number of hours that a student works at the internship site. Offered on P/NP basis. Prerequisites: at least two 300- level data science courses. Offered as needed.
  • CIS 490 - Independent Study in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Study in a specialized area, to be arranged according to student need and interest. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior/senior status and consent of instructor.
  • CIS 491 - Independent Study in Cybersecurity

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Study in a specialized area, to be arranged according to student need and interest. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior/senior status and consent of instructor.
  • CIS 492 - Independent Study in Management Information Systems

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Study in a specialized area, to be arranged according to student need and interest. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior/senior status and consent of instructor.
  • CIS 493 - Independent Study in Data Science

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Study in a specialized area, to be arranged according to student need and interest. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior/senior status and consent of instructor.
  • CIS 494 - Advanced Topics in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Topics similar to those offered in CIS 394 , offered on an as-needed basis, at a more advanced level. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 250  and senior status.
  • CIS 495 - Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Topics similar to those offered in CIS 395 , offered on an as-needed basis, at a more advanced level. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 250  and senior status.
  • CIS 496 - Advanced Topics in Management Information Systems

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Topics similar to those offered in CIS 396 , offered on an as-needed basis, at a more advanced level. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 250  and senior status.
  • CIS 497 - Advanced Topics in Data Science

    Credit(s): 1-4
    Course generated by the department to supplement regular course listings. Addresses topics in computer science. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 250 and (Junior/senior status or consent of instructor).
  • CIS 498 - Senior Portfolio

    Credit(s): 1
    Provides students with the opportunity to create and submit their final portfolio, which is required for graduation. Some of the items in the portfolio are: (1) a self-assessment in relation to how well the student outcomes for program were attained, (2) statements about the professional, ethical, legal, social and security issues and responsibilities associated with the chosen field of study, (3) statements about plans for future professional growth and (4) a professional resume. FA SP
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 288  and Senior status.
  • CIS 499 - Senior Synthesis

    Credit(s): 3
    Provides the student with an opportunity to solve an industry-driven, educationally-driven or research problem in their major field of study. The senior synthesis should demonstrate the application and integration of skills, methods and knowledge of earlier coursework to an area that (1) was not covered in the major curriculum or (2) can be further developed from a foundation originating from previous coursework.  FA SP
    Prerequisite(s): Senior Status.
  • CIS 501 - Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures

    Credit(s): 3
    Presents an in-depth study of algorithms and data structures. Topics include concepts and skills needed to analyze algorithms, advanced data structures, dynamic data structures, complexity theory and theories of computation. SP (Odd)
    Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): CIS 560  
  • CIS 503 - Software Engineering I

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 503 and CIS 474  are cross-listed. To distinguish CIS 503 from CIS 474  additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Introduces classical and object-oriented software engineering principles. Topics include the scope of software engineering, the software process, software life cycle models, documentation, tools, testing, quality assurance, project management, object-oriented analysis and design, system views and modeling using Unified Modeling Language (UML), in the context of generic object oriented development process. Students are required to design and build software projects through team effort. The projects cover the principal system development lifecycle phases. FA Even.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 560 .
  • CIS 511 - Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 411  and CIS 511 are crosslisted. To distinguish CIS 511 from CIS 411   additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Provides the student with skills and techniques to combine the two technologies of Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things (IoT). Challenges that arise when IoT meets Cloud will also be covered. While IoT is exiting on its own, the real innovation comes from combining it with cloud computing. This course will focus both on the development of smart embedded devices using popular hardware platforms as well as Cloud solution deployment by utilizing services by leading providers. SP, SU
  • CIS 512 - Data Retrieval and Security

    Credit(s): 3
    Provides a comprehensive knowledge of the procedures used to securely retrieve data using SQL statements and APIs. Topics covered include building and utilizing secure APIs, data formats, writing and understanding SQL queries, and the standards for data security. FA.
  • CIS 513 - Software Engineering II

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 513 and CIS 475  are cross-listed. To distinguish CIS 513 from CIS 475  additional or differentiated assessments are/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Topics include the scope of system design, object analysis and design, implementing, testing, configuration management, and use of various tools that aid software development. Students are required to design, implement, test, and release software projects through team effort. The projects cover the principal system development lifecycle phases. SP Odd.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 503 .
  • CIS 519 - Business Intelligence

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers topics essential to understanding and applying business intelligence (BI) skills to real world problems. For example, topics will include decision support systems, modeling and analysis, data warehousing, business analytics and data visualization; data, text, and web mining; business performance management, group support systems, knowledge management, artificial intelligence and expert systems, advanced intelligent systems, systems development and acquisition. The use of current BI software will be part of the course. SP Even.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 551 .
  • CIS 523 - IT Leadership & Management

    Credit(s): 3
    Provides a broad introduction to leadership theory and how it applies to real-life situations in numerous IT domains such as cybersecurity, software engineering and data science. The focus is on principles and frameworks that can be used as part of one’s personal development in the areas of IT leadership and project management. Participation in this course requires personal curiosity and reflection from students as well as personal openness and share in class discussions.  FA and SU
  • CIS 525 - Digital Forensics and Analysis

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 525 is cross-listed with CIS 425 . To distinguish CIS 525 from CIS 425  additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Covers the technical and legal issues facing digital forensic examiners. Students will learn effective and appropriate forensic response strategies to support cybercrime investigative efforts, and to assess and manage risks. The focus is on acquiring the skills needed to identify and collect potentially harmful digital evidence from computers and mobile devices, to analyze that evidence using chain of custody methods and to report forensic findings. FA Odd.
  • CIS 530 - Network Security

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 530 and CIS 445  are cross-listed. To distinguish CIS 530 from CIS 445  additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Covers network security and management with an emphasis on computer network security, implementation, and management. Topics include network core devices (such as routers and switches) setup, configuration, maintenance, security, and firewall management. Cross-cutting concepts emphasized in this course are confidentiality, integrity, availability, risk, and systems thinking. FA Odd.
  • CIS 535 - Applied Cryptography

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 535 and CIS 405  are cross-listed. To distinguish CIS 535 from CIS 405  additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Introduces the fundamentals of cryptography including the concept of obscuring functions, cryptographic techniques, types of ciphers, proper uses of ciphers, ethical uses of cryptography and decryption practices. Topics also include randomness, polymorphism and current trends in cryptography. Students will learn how to use cryptographic techniques to master the cross-cutting cybersecurity concepts of confidentiality and integrity in system design. They will also learn how to think like an adversary when analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of cryptographic algorithms.  FA Even.
  • CIS 537 - Secure Coding in Cloud Environments

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 437   is cross-listed with CIS 537. To distinguish CIS 437   from CIS 537 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Introduces topics of cloud computing and covers core distributed systems concepts used inside clouds. Using on the popular cloud provider platforms the course employs hands-on activities to cover computing fundamentals, creating of cloud instances, web services and elastic storage, networking, databases and virtualization. Security issues and best practices in each of these cloud components are discussed. As a culmination of the course, the students build and deploy a working cloud application that combines all the aspects covered in the course. SP Even.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 215  
  • CIS 539 - Topics in Cybersecurity

    Credit(s): 3
    Presents advanced topics in cybersecurity. Potential topics include “Computer Security and Privacy” and “Advanced Digital Forensics”. Offered as needed
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 496  or consent of instructor.
  • CIS 542 - Behavioral Analytics

    Credit(s): 3
    Combines the tools of behavioral analytics and anomaly detection to enable the continuous assessment of risk and presence of malicious activity. Students learn how to deploy an identity-centric approach to security and increase visibility in order to prevent security breaches and attacks. The course teaches how to harness security data, from collection and storage to management and analysis as well as visualization and presentation. Measurement of the effectiveness of security methods to make better decisions is also covered. SP Even.
  • CIS 549 - Topics in Software Engineering

    Credit(s): 3
    Presents advanced topics in software engineering. Potential topics include “reuse” and “reengineering” concepts and skills. Offered as needed
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.
  • CIS 550 - Introduction to Data Mining and Its Applications

    Credit(s): 3
    Presents an overview of big data concepts and computational methods in data mining with an emphasis on data mining applications. Topics include data exploration to detect patterns, clustering methods, decision trees and association rules. FA Even.
    Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): CIS 551 .
  • CIS 551 - Statistics for Data Science

    Credit(s): 3
    Provides statistical overview of supervised and unsupervised learning. Topics include the statistics behind decision theory, regression models, Bayesian and kernel methods, classification and clustering. Statistics in machine learning models like support vector machine, and neural networks will be investigated as well. FA.
  • CIS 555 - Machine Learning I

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 555 and CIS 455  are cross-listed. To distinguish CIS 555 from CIS 455  additional or differentiated assessments and/or appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Covers data analysis methods to recognize trends and patterns of big data. The emphasis will be on classification, regression and model fitting. Application areas such as healthcare, finance, game playing, marketing and internet fraud detection will be studied. FA Odd.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 551 .
  • CIS 557 - Big Data Analysis and Visualization

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 557 is cross-listed with CIS 435 . To distinguish CIS 557 from CIS 435  additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Provides a survey of the concepts and skills associated with data analytics and visualization. The course will focus on probability sampling and complex survey data collection methods used to analyze and visualize data collected in statistical surveys. Mobile, online and multi-mode surveys will be the source of the data collection process. Application areas such as marketing and social engineering will be studied, along with the ethical considerations one must keep in mind when interpreting data. SP Odd.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 551 .
  • CIS 558 - Deep Learning

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 558 is cross-listed with CIS 470 . To distinguish CIS 558 from CIS 470  additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Focuses on deep learning, which is a subset of machine learning, to predict the characteristics of data based on the hierarchical structure of the data. Deep learning covers advanced, supervised/unsupervised methods of classification and regression, structured prediction, anomaly detection with emphasis on the development of the algorithms used to simulate the high-level abstractions of data based on low-level layers. Models such as unsupervised Bayesian, Inference procedures, and nonparametric models will be discussed. SP Even.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 555 .
  • CIS 559 - Data Mining and Digital Image Processing

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers digital image processing computational methods to detect intricacy, edges, contrast and grey levels of digital images. Digital filtering, image boosting, noise recognition and image-to-date conversion methods will be covered in this course. Application areas that will be studied include biomedicine and finance. SP Odd
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 551 .
  • CIS 560 - Advanced Programming

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers the concepts and utilization of the UNIX programming environment and APIs including concurrent programming, multithreading, advanced I/O programming signals, inter-process communication and synchronization, and socket programming. FA.
  • CIS 570 - .NET Programming Environment

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 570 and CIS 451  are cross-listed. To distinguish CIS 570 from CIS 451  additional or differentiated assessment and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned.

    Covers advanced concepts of the Microsoft .NET framework, C# programming language, GUI/WPF application development, multithread programming, file processing, and regular expressions. SP Even.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 560 .
  • CIS 575 - Reverse Engineering

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 476  

    Covers both the art and science of software reverse engineering. Beginning with the foundational techniques used to analyze both source and binary codes, the course will examine current threats and discuss the actions needed to prevent attackers from taking advantage of both known and unknown vulnerabilities. The course will cover passive and active reverse engineering techniques in order to discover and categorize software vulnerabilities, create patches and workarounds to better secure the system, and describe security solutions that provide protection from an adversary attempting to explant the vulnerabilities. Techniques covered include the use of static analysis, dynamic reverse engineering tools, and fault injection via fuzzing to better understand and improve the security of software.  To distinguish CIS 575 from CIS 476 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned. SP Odd.
    Prerequisite(s): Knowledge of assembly language.
  • CIS 577 - Web Development

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers the concepts and techniques of web application development, along with HTML5, CSS (Cascade Style Sheet), and JavaScript on the client-side development phase. PHP will be covered as the server-side programming language. FA Odd.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 560 .
  • CIS 584 - Internship in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Provides a supervised off-campus, field-based experience, in computer science, at an approved site specifically related to the career goal(s) of the student. The purpose of the course is to integrate and apply academic knowledge and skills to the professional environment. Credits are determined by the number of hours that a student works at the internship site. A maximum of three credit hours earned under the title of CIS 584 can be applied to the degree requirements. FA, SP, SU
    Prerequisite(s): successful completion of nine graduate credit hours with an overall GPA of 3.0. Offered on P/F basis.
  • CIS 585 - Independent Study in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Study in a specialized area, to be arranged according to the student need/interest and availability of instructor. Prerequisite: consent of program director. Offered as needed.
  • CIS 589 - Capstone Portfolio

    Credit(s): 1
    Provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate attainment of the MS in Computer Science program outcomes and to prepare themselves to successfully complete CIS 590 , Practical Research Project. FA, SP.
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of six courses (18 credit hours) of course work in the MS in Computer Science program.
  • CIS 590 - Practical Research Project

    Credit(s): 3
    Research project conducted under the direction of major advisor.  FA, SP, SU
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 589  
  • CIS 591 - Ethical Hacking

    Credit(s): 3
    Cross-listed with: CIS 591 is cross-listed with CIS 432 . To distinguish CIS 591 from CIS 432  additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the gradate level will be assigned.

    This course introduces the tools and techniques associated with the cybersecurity practice known as ethical hacking or penetration testing. This course covers not only laws and regulations, but also the steps in penetration testing such as planning, scanning, exploiting, and result reporting. Students are taught how system vulnerabilities are discovered and explointed. They will also learn how to avoid vulnerabilities and how to react and defend if they do occur as well as how to design the controls to prevent future attacks in real-life situations. Other topics include: system wireless, web, and database hacking; penetration testing methods and tools. The course is designed to prvoide a rich learning experience to students through the use of hand-on exercises and discussions on the course material. The cross-cutting concepts which are emphasized in this course will be: risk and adversarial thinking.  SP Odd.
  • CIS 594 - Special Topics in Computer Science

    Credit(s): 3
    Covers current and relevant topics not regularly covered in the set of required and elective courses for the MS in Computer Science degree. Offered as needed.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of the department chair.

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