2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Teacher Certification at Fontbonne

Applicable to all departments offering a teacher certification option or a program where Fontbonne students teach, supervise, or have access to children, elderly and/or indivdiuals with disabilities.

The following provides an overview of programs leading to Missouri initial teacher certification at Fontbonne University. All certification programs are accredited by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Association for Advancing Quality Educator Preparation or AAQEP. The university makes recommendations to DESE upon a candidate’s completion of all requirements. It should be noted that all certificates to teach are issued by DESE, not Fontbonne University.

Teacher Certification Programs: Undergraduate

The following table lists the areas of certification that typically accompany the departmental major at the undergraduate level. With the assistance of an academic advisor, a student may choose to pursue additional certification from those listed. Choosing multiple areas of certification could result in the lengthening of a student’s program.

Art Fine Arts Art (K-12)
Biology Biological and Behavioral Sciences Biology (9-12)
Deaf Education Communication Disorders and Deaf Education Deaf & Hearing Impaired (B-12)
Early Childhood Education Education/Special Education Early Childhood (Birth-3); Early Childhood Special Education (Birth-3)
Early Childhood Special Education Education/Special Education Early Childhood Special Education (Birth-3)
Elementary Education/Special Education Elementary (1-6) 
English Humanities English (9-12)
History Humanities Social Sciences (9-12)
Mathematics - Accelerated Mathematics and Computer Science Mathematics (9-12) - only accelerated and MAT
Middle School Education/Special Education Language Arts (5-9)
Mathematics (5-9)
Science (5-9)
Social Studies (5-9)
Performing Arts Fine Arts Speech/Theatre (9-12)
Special Education Education/Special Education

Special Education:
mild-moderate cross categorical (K-12)
(Includes Elementary Certification)

Teacher Education Programs: Post-Baccalaureate

The following provides an overview of programs leading to initial teacher certification at Fontbonne University at the post-baccalaureate level.

Candidates may enroll for the purpose of seeking a second undergraduate degree (see the appropriate department in the undergraduate section of this catalog); a master’s degree; or they may enroll for the purpose of certification only.

Art (K-12) Master of Arts Degree in Teaching Education/Special Education
Biology (9-12) Master of Arts Degree in Teaching Education/Special Education
Deaf & Hearing Impaired (B-12)

Master of Arts Degree in Teaching Early Intervention in Deaf Education

Communication Disorders and Deaf Education

Elementary (1-6) Master of Arts Degree in Teaching Education/Special Education
English (9-12) Master of Arts Degree in Teaching Education/Special Education
Social Science (9-12) Master of Arts Degree in Teaching Education/Special Education
Mathematics (9-12) Master of Arts Degree in Teaching Education/Special Education

Middle School Language Arts (5-9)
Mathematics (5-9)
Science (5-9)
Social Studies (5-9)

Master of Arts Degree in Teaching Education/Special Education

Special Education: mild-moderate cross categorical (K-12)
Special Education: mild-moderate cross categorical (K-12) - Paraprofessional Pathways

Master of Arts Degree in Teaching
Master of Arts Degree in Teaching

Education/Special Education
Education/Special Education

Conceptual Framework

Fontbonne University faculty members believe that teachers should be reflective practitioners/decision makers. This conceptual framework is knowledge-based, clearly articulated, shared throughout campus, and is consistent with the institutional mission and the Missouri Teacher Standards as well as the standards of theAssociation for Advancing Educator Preparation (AAQEP). The conceptual framework and programs are evaluated through student outcomes, course evaluations, field experiences, graduate surveys, and employer feedback. Students are expected to adhere to the “Commitments of the Responsible Educator” which are reflective of the conceptual framework.

As indicated in the Conceptual Framework, Fontbonne University is in touch with the social, political, and economic realities which place demands on education. The university therefore offers teacher certification programs that prepare individuals who will be able to teach students with a variety of learning styles from diverse backgrounds and prepare students for the future by encouraging an attitude of openness and critical evaluation regarding change. Probing current research findings heightens awareness of future perspectives, raises questions, encourages identification of appropriate teaching techniques, and enables students to identify implications for the future and begin to assume responsibility for creating their future.

All Fontbonne teacher certification programs prepare students for the challenge of teaching and enable students to give meaningful service to children and adults. Teacher certification at Fontbonne University provides:

  • opportunities for innovation and creativity;
  • opportunities for reflective decision making;
  • faculty who are well-educated, creative teachers, professionally involved, and have outstanding supervisory skills;
  • a foundation of sound theoretical knowledge for each area of certification;
  • a thorough foundation in both typical and exceptional development of children;
  • an introductory course which provides an overview of educational theory and practice, along with the
  • development of skills in observation and analysis of classroom interactions;
  • faculty members who strive for effective student-teacher relationships.

Policies and Procedures for Students in Teacher Certification Programs

Students in teacher certification programs must maintain a minimum professional grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for coursework designated as “professional.” These standards take into consideration all coursework taken at all colleges and universities, both undergraduate and graduate. Students earning certification in middle school and secondary programs must achieve a GPA of 3.0 in the relevant content areas. (See appropriate departmental sections of this catalog.)

Candidates for teacher certification must also fulfill all Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) requirements, to include successful completion of all Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (MEGA). The DESE MEGA assessment process includes the:

  • Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA); required for undergraduate candidates only
  • Missouri Content Assessment
  • Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES)

These DESE MEGA requirements are subject to change; changes in DESE requirements can occur quickly. The most current requirements set by DESE must be met, including required GPAs and completion of MEGA assessments. Fontbonne University will monitor DESE requirements and will not submit a recommendation for certification to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for official teacher certification until all of the DESE MEGA requirements have been met.

Students are responsible for reading the Policies and Procedures for Students in Teacher Certification Programs manual upon beginning their program at Fontbonne. This manual is intended to serve as a supplement to the Fontbonne University catalog for students seeking Missouri initial teacher certification, and contains important information about Fontbonne University and the Missouri teacher certification programs, policies, procedures and deadline dates. Candidates for teacher certification must fulfill all Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) requirements, including qualifying scores on entrance and exit tests, grade point average, and acceptable scores on the DESE Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (MEGA) assessments. The requirements in the Policies and Procedures for Students in Teacher Certification Programs manual are subject to change based on DESE certification requirements and therefore supersede catalog requirements.  It is the student’s responsibility to review both the Fontbonne University catalog and a copy of the Policies and Procedures for Students in Teacher Certification Programs.

Background Checks

The Fontbonne College of Education and Allied Health Professions requires any student who teaches, supervises, or has access to children, elderly and/or individuals with disabilities to undergo an annual TB screening and maintain a current criminal record check and child abuse/neglect screening prior to a clinical or field placement. This includes a FBI fingerprint check and/or a name screening through the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Missouri Department of Social Services.

All College of Education and Allied Health Professions students are required to register with the Missouri Family Care Safety before participation in any clinical, practicum or field experience.  This one-time registration will remain valid during the candidate’s enrollment at Fontbonne and includes an open records check and screening for reports of child abuse/neglect. Missouri Highway Patrol Fingerprint and background clearance through the Rap Back Program will be accepted for students without a social security number, including international students, who are unable to complete the FCSR. 

The Family Care Safety Registry conducts a search using name, date of birth and Social Security number against records maintained by these Missouri state agencies:

  • Criminal history records maintained by the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
  • Sex Offender Registry records maintained by the Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Child abuse/neglect records maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services
  • Foster parent licensing records maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services
  • Employee Disqualification List maintained by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
  • Employee Disqualification Registry records maintained by the Missouri Department of Mental Health
  • Child Care licensing records maintained by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

For instructions for registration go to https://webapp02.dhss.mo.gov/bsees/, click on the Registration tab and then complete the information.  The current fee to register is $12.00 plus $1.00 processing fee and must be paid with a valid credit/debit card. The registry requires the student to sign into the website and renew the registry check each year.  There is not a fee for this service, but it must be done to stay current.

Fingerprints:  All College of Education and Allied Health Professions students are required to complete a background clearance through the Missouri Highway Patrol. School districts, licensing, and accrediting agencies also require an FBI fingerprint screening for students requesting clinical, practicum or field experiences in their buildings.  Instructions for fingerprinting can be found at www.MACHS.mo.gov or from the Teacher Certification Coordinator in East 235.  By registering for the RAP Back (Record of Arrests and Prosecutions) fingerprint background clearance through the MACHS system fingerprint images will be retained in state and federal biometrics databases pursuant to Section 43.540RSMo. Automatic notification will come to the Local Agency Security Officer (LSAO, currently the Teacher Certification Coordinator) of any past arrestable and fingerprintable offenses.  Any future arrestable and fingerprintable offenses will be reported to the LASO as well as to the Central Repository or the Federal Bureau of Investigation by the arresting agency. Fingerprints will be valid for up to a six years if the student remains enrolled at Fontbonne University. The student must complete a waiver allowing Fontbonne to view their results. When the student graduates or drops from the program or leaves Fontbonne University their names will be removed from the Fontbonne Missouri Volunteer and Employee Criminal History Service (MoVECHS) and notifications regarding offenses will no longer be reported to the Local Agency Security Officer at Fontbonne University.  Students who have a current valid Missouri professional teaching certificate or substitute teaching certificate may provide a copy of the teaching certificate as evidence of a cleared background review through the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Students with a current and valid out of state teaching certificate must provide a copy of the certificate to the LASO who will contact the Department of Education from the state where the certificate was issued to determine the background clearance process and if it complies with Missouri’s requirements.

Protecting God’s Children:  The Archdiocese of St. Louis mandates that all Archdiocesan employees and volunteers who work or volunteer in a Catholic school or organization attend this safe -environment training. The training focuses on keeping children and adults safe from sexual abuse. This applies to all Fontbonne students with clinical, practicum, and field experiences in Catholic schools or organizations.  After completing the program students receive a certificate of completion. Additionally, they are registered with the diocese as having completed the training. This is a one-time only training.

Authority for Criminal History Record Information: Federal authority: National Child Protection Act as amended by the Volunteers for Children’s Act (NCPA/VCA) through the Missouri VECHS program; Freedom of Information Act. State authority: Chapter 43 RSMo, Section 43.540

Policy for Dealing with Criminal Records Disclosed by Background Check(s)

When a background check indicates a “finding” on a student’s record, the process outlined below will be initiated. Students may be held from their practicum or student teaching until the process is completed and the student has approval to enter or re-enter the classroom. The student will have no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days to complete or challenge the accuracy of the report.

The student is given the opportunity to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information contained in the record. The student will also be advised of procedures for obtaining a change, correction, or updating of a Missouri or federal identification record. If the record is a Missouri record, the student may contact the Missouri State Highway Patrol for Assistance. If the record was reported by the FBI, the student should contact the agency that reported the information.

Minor Violations: Minor violations will be determined in conjunction with any certifying, licensing or accrediting agency guidelines. A student who has a minor violation on his/her record will be reported to the Chair of the Department of Education/Special Education. The Department Chair and the Teacher Certification Coordinator will examine the “finding” considering number of violations, dates, and disposition of the case (closed, fine paid, probation) and make a decision about whether or not the student can participate in the clinical experience.

Major Violations: A student who has a major violation on his/her record (reference 5 CSR 20-400.230)) (examples: any felony, certain drug charges, any violation involving children) will be required to meet with the Teacher Certification Coordinator and Chair of the appropriate department. Candidates for teacher certification will be required to apply for a Missouri substitute certificate. If the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) clears the background check for the substitute certificate, the student will be allowed to participate in the clinical experiences. If DESE does not give background clearance, the Teacher Certification Coordinator will explain the appeals process in DESE regulations and determine whether the student wants to pursue a degree in teacher education. If the decision is not to appeal, the student will be counselled to consider another program of study. Students in dietetics, deaf education, health education and promotion, and speech and language pathology will meet with the Chair of those departments to determine the appropriate course of action.

The clinical, practicum, or field experience authority’s role: in all cases where a violation has been noted, both minor and major, the site location in which the clinical experience, practicum, or field experience was occur has the final authority over the placement of a Fontbonne University student in that site.

Security: all background check records will be stored in a locked file cabinet located in the office of the Department of Education/Special Education. The Teacher Certification Coordinator will serve as the Local Agency Security Officer (LASO) and have sole access to these files.  Fontbonne University faculty and staff who need to access background check information will do so under the supervision of the LASO.

Use and Dissemination of Criminal History Record Information: criminal history record information obtained from the Missouri State Highway Patrol and FBI shall be used solely for the purpose for which it was intended. The subject of record shall be afforded the opportunity to challenge the correctness, accuracy, or completeness of a criminal history record. Any person(s) obtaining CHRI under false pretense, other than for the purpose of furnishing CHRI to the authorized requestor for its intended purpose, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

A Fontbonne University student may request a copy of the background check results for his/her personal use. The student will submit a Dissemination Log to the LASO for each request.

Retention/destruction of documents: the MOVECHS Agreement and Statement, the Fontbonne Consent and Confidentiality Form, and all Dissemination Logs will be retained in each individual’s file for a minimum of three (3) years after receipt. Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) will be destroyed once it becomes invalid. Records are maintained for a minimum of three years to comply with MSHP auditing procedures. Documents will be destroyed by shredding by the LASO annually.

Security Incidents: Any violation, suspected violation or breach of Criminal Justice Information security will be reported to the Local Agency Security Officer (LASO) and/or the Dean of the College of Education and Allied Health Professionals who will notify appropriate University Administration and the MSHP Information Security Unit (573) 522-3820 email:cjissecurity@mshp.dps.mo.gov

Teacher Certification Gates

The teacher certification process is composed of three gates: Program Approval, Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, and Final Clinical Experience/Student Teaching. Each gate and its associated requirements are detailed below. Students who fail to meet the requirements of the teacher certification gates (1) will not receive the permissions granted for the gates, and (2) must change their major and move into the General Studies in Education degree (see the Education/Special Education Department information in this catalog), or another degree that does not include a teacher certification option. Students can re-apply for a program with a teacher certification option once the teacher certification gate requirements are met.

Gateways for Teacher Certification Programs at Fontbonne University
4 Year/Native Fontbonne Student


Time Frame


Permissions Granted

Program Approval

By end of sophomore year or after completing 45-60 hours

  • Pass all sections of the MoGEA
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Pass EDU 269  or DEA 200  or Introduction to Teaching course equivalent with a grade of C or better
  • Meet GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to take Professional Education Courses where an Introduction to Classroom Teaching course is a pre- requisite

Admission to Teacher Certification Program

First semester junior year

  • Program Approval
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Maintain GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to take final Professional Education Courses. 

Must pass required Missouri Content Assessment(s) before student teaching/final clinical experience

Final Clinical Experience

Senior year

  • Admission to Teacher Certification Program
  • Approved Professional Philosophy
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Must pass the Missouri Content Assessment(s)
  • Maintain GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to prepare for Final Clinical Experience

Teacher Certification Recommendation to DESE from Fontbonne DOES NOT OCCUR until all Fontbonne program requirements are met, passing scores are achieved on the  MEES, the applicable Content Area Assessments have been passed, and official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended have been provided to the Teacher Certification Coordinator.


Gateways for Teacher Certification Programs at Fontbonne University
Transfer Student to Fontbonne with or without AAT Degree


Time Frame


Permissions Granted

Program Approval

After completing 12 hours at Fontbonne

  • Pass all sections of the MoGEA as part of AAT degree or complete on own
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Pass an approved Introduction to Teaching course OR pass EDU 269  or DEA 200  with a grade of C or better
  • Take EDU 301  if transferred with completed AAT degree
  • Meet GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to take Professional Education Courses where an Introduction to Classroom Teaching course is a pre- requisite

Admission to Teacher Certification Program

After completing 2 semesters at Fontbonne

  • Program Approval
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Maintain GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to take final Professional Education Courses

Must pass required Missouri Content Assessment(s) before student teaching/final clinical experience

Final Clinical Experience

Senior year

  • Admission to Teacher Certification Program
  • Approved Professional Philosophy
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Maintain GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to prepare for Final Clinical Experience

Must have passed the required Missouri Content Assessment(s).

Teacher Certification Recommendation to DESE from Fontbonne DOES NOT OCCUR until all Fontbonne program requirements are met, passing scores are achieved on the  MEES, the applicable Content Area Assessments have been passed, and official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended have been provided to the Teacher Certification Coordinator.


Gateways for Teacher Certification Programs at Fontbonne University
Paraprofessional Pathways Student


Time Frame


Permissions Granted

Program Approval

By end of sophomore year or after completing 45-60 hours

  • Pass all sections of the MoGEA
  • Clear Criminal Background Check if not currently employed by a school district
  • Pass EDU 266  or Introduction to Teaching course equivalent with a grade of C or better
  • Meet GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to take Professional Education Courses where an Introduction to Classroom Teaching course is a pre-requisite

Admission to Teacher Certification Program

During junior year

  • Program Approval
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Maintain GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Profession: 3.00
    • Content (middle or sec areas): 3.00

Allowed to take final Professional Education Courses

Must pass required Missouri Content Assessment(s) before student teaching/final clinical experience

Final Field/Clinical Experience

Senior year

  • Admission to Teacher Certification Program
  • Approved Professional Philosophy
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Maintain GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to prepare for Final Clinical Experience

Must have passed the required Missouri Content Assessment(s)

Teacher Certification Recommendation to DESE from Fontbonne DOES NOT OCCUR until all Fontbonne program requirements are met, passing scores are achieved on the  MEES, the applicable Content Area Assessments have been passed, and official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended have been provided to the Teacher Certification Coordinator.


Gateways for Teacher Certification Programs at Fontbonne University
Master’s Degree Student Seeking MAT degree (initial teacher certification)


Time Frame


Permissions Granted

Admission to Teacher Certification Program

After completing at least 18 credit hours at Fontbonne

  • Pass all sections of the MoGEA
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Meet GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to take final Professional Education Courses

Must pass required Missouri Content Assessment(s) before student teaching/final clinical experience.

Final Clinical Experience

Semester prior to clinical experience

  • Admission to Teacher Certification Program
  • Approved Professional Philosophy
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Maintain GPA requirements:
    • Pedagogy/Professional: 3.00
    • Content (middle or secondary content areas): 3.00

Allowed to prepare for Final Clinical Experience

Teacher Certification Recommendation to DESE from Fontbonne DOES NOT OCCUR until all Fontbonne program requirements are met, passing scores are achieved on the  MEES, the applicable Content Area Assessments have been passed, and official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended have been provided to the Teacher Certification Coordinator.

Final Field or Clinical Experience/Student Teaching

Student teacher/field experience candidates must demonstrate competence in all areas of professional preparation identified by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the certification area. Prior to student teaching, students are required to have completed, or be in the process of completing, all required coursework; to be in compliance with GPA requirements for certification; to be in compliance with all screening requirements dictated by school districts, and to have been admitted into the Teacher Certification Program, which includes meeting all the Program Gate requirements.

While some coursework for teacher certification may be taken elsewhere, Student Teaching/Field Experience must be completed through Fontbonne University. Student teacher applications may be obtained from the director of student teaching and are due early in the semester prior to student teaching.

In accordance with the essential functions of majors in the Education/Special education Department, all students must be able to participate in classroom, practicum, and clinical activities for the required blocks of time as indicated by the class instructor, supervisor, and cooperating school personnel. For any Fontbonne student that is asked to permanently leave/is dismissed from any practicum or clinical site (including final clinical/student teaching) by cooperating school personnel, a second practicum/clinical site may be arranged. If a Fontbonne student is asked to permanently leave/or is dismissed from any practicum or clinical site (including final clinical/student teaching) by cooperating school personnel for a second time, it is important to note that a third practicum/clinical site will not be arranged. The Fontbonne student will need to speak with his or her academic advisor to determine available options. Students in final clinical experience must also refer to procedures outlines in the Final Clinical Experience Guidelines and Requirements distributed as part of the final clinical experience, and in the Policies and Procedures for Students in Teacher Certification Programs.

Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES)

The Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES) is the evaluation assessment required by DESE during the final clinical experience.  This assessment shows evidence of the teacher candidate’s ability to facilitate learning through designing, teaching, reflecting, assessing, and analyzing data.  The MEES will provide evidence of the candidate’s competency in the nine Missouri Teacher Standards (MTS).  An approved MEES assessment is required prior to the university’s recommendation of the teacher candidate for certification to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). 

Completion of the Teacher Certification Program and Recommendation for Certification to DESE

Completion of the teacher certification program is contingent upon the following:

  • Completion of all degree and certification requirements to include final field or clinical experience/student teaching
  • Submission of an acceptable Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES) Assessment.
  • Submission of an acceptable score on the program appropriate Missouri Content Assessment(s) required by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).

The university will not submit a recommendation for certification to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for official teacher certification until all criteria have been met.

Residency Requirement for Certification

The candidate must complete a minimal residency requirement of 24 credit hours plus the required final field or clinical experience/student teaching required by the department in which his/her program is held. Within these minimum credit hours, a candidate must complete at least six hours of discipline-specific coursework (excluding methods courses) appropriate to the area of certification sought.

Web-Based Documents

A full set of policies and procedures related to teacher certification at Fontbonne University can be found on Canvas for Teacher Certification  Candidates.