2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission Policies



First-Year Student Admission

Fontbonne considers as first-year students those degree-seeking students who are graduates of an accredited high school and who have not previously enrolled in a degree program at an accredited college or university. Students dually enrolled at a community college while completing high school will still be considered first-year students.

Candidates for admission should begin application procedures early in the fall of the year preceding that for which they seek admission. To complete their application, each first-year student must submit the following:

  1. A completed undergraduate application for admission accompanied by any required fee
  2. An official or unofficial high school transcript of all work completed to date (at least six semesters).
  3. If necessary, an interview, personal statement or recommendation letter(s) from authorized school administrators or others who can evaluate the applicant’s academic abilities and personal characteristics may be required. These could help reveal acandidate’s motivation, determination, resilience, or explain or mitigate weaknesses in the student’s past academic record.

Note: An official transcript showing all work and courses have been completed and confirming the successful graduation date is required to enroll.

Minimum Standards for Admission as a First-Year Student:

To be automatically admitted the student must:

  1. Present a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4-point scale. (If a school is not on a 4-point grading scale, Fontbonne will convert upon receipt of transcripts). Applicants with cumulative GPAs between 2.0 and 2.99 will be holistically reviewed for admission. Applicants with cumulative GPAs at 1.99 or below will be automatically denied, but can petition for a holistic review. Home-school students and students without a traditional cumulative GPA will be holistically reviewed for admission.
  2. Have completed the following core requirements:
  • Four units English;
  • Three units mathematics;
  • Three units social science;
  • Three units science (one must include a lab);
  • One unit visual/performing arts;
  • Three unitselectives (including foreign language).

When applicants fail to meet any one or more of these standards, their applications receive a holistic admission review by the Office of Admission and the University Academic Committee.  The committee will decide ifthe applicant should be admitted tothe University and, if so, under what conditions. In lieu of a high school diploma, Fontbonne will honor a satisfactory score on the General Educational Development (GED) examinations. Students submitting the GED, rather than a high school transcript, must submit a copy of the test scores to the Office of Admission for a holistic review before a final admission decision.All accepted candidates currently enrolled in high school must complete successfully all work in progress and submit, upon graduation, an official high school transcript showing all work completed and date of graduation. This transcript must be on file prior to final registration.

GED/HISET Applicants

Applicants must earn a 2350 on the General Educational Development (GED) examinations. The ACT is required if students wish to be considered for scholarships.

In 2014, most states started using the HiSET® passing criteria which means to pass the HiSET exam, you need to:

  • Score at least 8 out of 20 on each of the five subtests
  • Score at least 2 out of 6 on the essay
  • Achieve a total scaled score on all five HiSET subtests of at least 45 out of 100

Transfer Admission

Fontbonne welcomes transfer students from a wide variety of backgrounds, from two-year and four-year, public and private colleges and universities. A transfer student is one who (1) has obtained a high school diploma or the GED, (2) has previously attended an accredited postsecondary institution [or institutions] at the undergraduate level, and (3) is entering Fontbonne University for the first time. (A student who has completed college courses while still in high school/dual enrollment is considered a first-time first-year student, not a transfer student.) Transfer applicants should begin application procedures at least two months prior to final registration for the term in which they seek admission.

Transfer candidates must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and preliminary approval from their intended major department at Fontbonne. The department provides preliminary approval by virtue of a tentative transcript evaluation of transfer coursework meeting major requirements.

Course credits from another institution will, in general, be accepted under the following conditions. The credits must:

  • be completed from an accredited, degree-granting institution of higher learning;
  • be college level courses (100 level or above);
  • have a grade of D or better. Coursework meeting major, minor, or concentration requirements must have a grade of C- or better.

A student may transfer a maximum of 64 credit hours to Fontbonne University from a community college.

The major department determines the number of hours and the specific courses that will be accepted for transfer into the student’s intended major. All candidates should be aware of the need to meet the minimum GPA requirements in their intended major field of study for major approval, for continuing in the program, and for graduation.

Transfer students must complete all Fontbonne degree requirements and the residency requirement of a minimum of 30 credit hours. All courses taken during the semester of degree completion/graduation must be completed at Fontbonne University.

For application, transfer candidates must submit:

  1. A completed application for admission.
  2. An official transcript from each accredited college or university previously attended (including college credit or AP credit received while in high school) showing all work completed to date. Students who have completed fewer than 30 semester hours must also submit an official high school transcript. Official transcripts must be stamped with the institution’s official seal.
  3. Recommendations from authorized school administrators or others who can evaluate the applicant’s academic abilities and personal characteristics. Although optional, these recommendations prove particularly helpful to the admission standards and review committee, especially if the recommendations help to explain or mitigate weaknesses in the student’s past academic record.

Candidates receive an official evaluation of transfer credit upon acceptance. All accepted candidates currently enrolled elsewhere in college-level courses must successfully complete all work in progress and submit an official college transcript showing the additional courses completed. This transcript must be on file prior to final registration for the semester in which the student enrolls.

Transfer students are exempt from placement testing in any area in which transfer credits are accepted to meet a Fontbonne requirement. Transfer students who are not exempt from the computerized university placement tests must take the tests before registering for courses. The tests assist the university in evaluating, placing, and advising incoming students.

Fontbonne University accepts the Missouri General Education Block and the Illinois Articulation Initiative as completing its Culture and the Common Good General Education Requirements. Transfer students are responsible for completing other graduation requirements, including a religion or theology course.

Admission of Undergraduate International Students

Fontbonne University is a global community and encourages applications from international students. All applications must be submitted to the director of international affairs and should include the following:

  1. A completed, signed application form.
  2. A $75 non-refundable application fee payable to Fontbonne University.
  3. Certified, official transcripts (translated into English) from all secondary schools, college or universities previously attended. The minimum required Grade Point Average for undergraduate First-time Freshman admission is 2.5/4.0 scale. The minimum required Grade Point Average for transfer student admission (over 30 credits) is 2.0/4.0 scale. Students who have earned college-level credit outside of the United States and wish to apply those credits toward a degree will be asked to have their transcripts evaluated by a US evaluation service.
  4. Evidence of English language proficiency which is necessary for those applicants whose first language is not English. Applicants must submit the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or authorized Fontbonne University equivalent. The required minimum TOEFL score is 65 IBT (5.5 IELTS). Students not possessing proof of English language ability may be considered for acceptance on a “conditional” basis.
  5. An official letter of sponsorship and an official financial statement from the bank of the guarantor. These are required to meet U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations. The bank statement and letter from the sponsor must be in English. The bank statement must be certified by the bank, dated within 120 days of the application, and have the name of the sponsor (or sponsor’s organization) on the account. The account will indicate the amount of funds available. The sponsor must have sufficient funds to support the student for a minimum of one year while in academic studies.
  6. Two letters of recommendation in English.
  7. A personal statement in English.
  8. A copy of the current passport page with name, date of birth, and expiration date.

All new undergraduate international students must take Fontbonne’s English and mathematics placement tests to determine the appropriate general education level course.

International students are required to enroll in the required English class (as determined by placement test scores) their first semester at Fontbonne, and maintain continuous enrollment in the courses in the English sequence through the completion of ENG 102 .

Any international student wishing to transfer to Fontbonne University from another institution within the United States must also submit the following documents:

  1. Copies of all official I-20 documents from previously attended schools.
  2. A copy of the current I-94 card.
  3. A copy of the current visa.

An international applicant not meeting one or more of the entrance standards may be asked to submit additional information for review by the undergraduate admission standards and review committee. All international students accepted for study at Fontbonne University will be required to purchase medical/health insurance by an insurance carrier in the U.S. selected by Fontbonne University. Purchase of such insurance coverage will be completed at the time of registration at the university.

Limited scholarships are available to new and transfer undergraduate international students. Priority will be given to F-1 non-immigrant visa holders. Non-immigrant international students are not eligible for federal financial aid.

Admission for a Second Undergraduate Degree

An applicant who already holds a bachelor’s degree may desire admission to pursue a second undergraduate degree in a major different from the first degree. The applicant must submit an application for admission and official copies of undergraduate transcripts showing all work completed from their previous institution(s) plus the degree granted. Additional credentials will be requested as needed.

The department in which the student wishes to study must accept the candidate for pursuit of a second bachelor’s degree for the student to be admitted. The department will determine which courses from the first bachelor’s degree will be accepted toward fulfillment of the major requirements for the second degree. These students must complete a minimum residency requirement of 24 credit hours at Fontbonne University, as well as all specific requirements for the second major and degree. They are exempt from taking the placement test and from completing the Fontbonne general education requirements.

Admission for Post-Baccalaureate Certification Only

(Missouri Department of Education and Secondary Education/Council of Accreditation of Educational Programs) or Verification Only (Academy of Nutrition And Dietetics)

An applicant who already holds a bachelor’s degree may desire admission to pursue post-baccalaureate teacher certification or to meet the minimum academic requirements for Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics verification. The applicant must submit an application for admission and an official copy of his/her undergraduate transcript showing the degree granted. Additional credentials will be requested as needed.

The department in which the student wishes to study must accept the candidate for pursuit of teacher certification or for completion of verification requirements for the student to be admitted. The department will determine which courses from the first bachelor’s degree will be accepted toward fulfillment of the certification or verification requirements. The student is exempt from taking the placement test and from completing the Fontbonne general education requirements, and the graduation requirement of a course in religion/theology.

The student must complete a minimum residency requirement of 24 credit hours at Fontbonne University. A student contemplating either teacher certification or verification should check with an advisor regarding master’s degree programs at Fontbonne University which might be of added value.

Full information on teacher certification may be found in the section titled Teacher Certification at Fontbonne University immediately following the graduate programs section in this catalog. This includes policies and procedures for students in teacher certification programs, acceptance into the teacher certification program, and final assessment information in teacher certification at Fontbonne University.

Admission of Unclassified Students

A student who does not wish to pursue a degree may register as an unclassified (non-degree seeking) student.

The candidate for unclassified status submits a completed application for admission.

If an unclassified student believes that he or she will pursue a degree at Fontbonne, it is to the student’s advantage to submit with the application, an official transcript of high school or prior college/university level work completed for evaluation purposes.

Unclassified students are not eligible for financial aid.

Change of Status from Unclassified to Degree Seeking

An unclassified student who wishes to change to degree-seeking status must complete an online application and submit required supporting documents to the office of admission. The office of admission (or in the case of an international student, the office of international affairs) will notify the student of any necessary additional credentials. A student who has earned college credit with a grade of D or above in the subject areas represented in the tests is exempt from placement testing. An undergraduate applicant who is not exempt must take the university computerized placement tests before acceptance. Please refer to the placement program section following this admission section.

Acceptance to a degree program requires a minimum GPA of 2.0 and department approval. The student must follow all requirements and curriculum in effect at the time of the change of status. With the approval of the chairperson/dean of the department/college in which the student chooses to major, a maximum of 30 semester credits earned as an unclassified student at Fontbonne may be applied toward a degree. The university reserves the right to dismiss an unclassified student who does not maintain the minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.

Readmission to Fontbonne

Degree-seeking students who have previously attended Fontbonne University, but have not been enrolled for one calendar year are required to apply for readmission. A student who has been dismissed from Fontbonne may apply for readmission after one full calendar year. Readmission requires no application fee. To apply for readmission, candidates must submit:

  1. The admission application form.
  2. Official transcripts from each accredited, degree-granting college or university attended since leaving Fontbonne. If you originally transferred into Fontbonne and have been gone for 5 years or longer, you will need to request transcripts from any institution you attended before originally enrolling at Fontbonne.

A student re-entering Fontbonne University must follow all requirements, including general education and graduation requirements and curriculum, stated in the catalog in effect at the time of re-entry.

Readmission after a Leave of Absence

An undergraduate degree-seeking student who anticipates a need to leave Fontbonne and expects to return after no more than two semesters (not including summer session) may request a leave of absence. (See leave of absence policy in the undergraduate academic policies and regulations  section in this catalog.)

To re-enter Fontbonne the student may go directly to the registrar’s office for a change in status and for registration materials, beginning at the time of early registration. The student must obtain an advisor’s signature and web clearance to be eligible to register.

Readmission with a New Start

A returning Fontbonne undergraduate degree-seeking student may petition to participate in the New Start program with the following stipulations:

  • The student has not been enrolled for five consecutive years at Fontbonne University.
  • The student may petition for the New Start program after returning to Fontbonne and completing 12 consecutive credit hours with a minimum grade of C- in each course and a 2.0 GPA.
  • Previous credits and grades from a maximum of six courses with grades of D and/or F may be removed from the grade point average, but not from the transcript.
  • All previous courses and grades will remain on the transcript. Previous grades of C- or better will count in the grade point average and the credits will be carried forward.
  • The grade point average will be recalculated.
  • The transcript will indicate New Start.
  • The student participating in the New Start program is ineligible for Latin honors at graduation. (See Latin honors in this section of the catalog.)

To petition to participate in the New Start program, a student must obtain a new start program petition form from the registrar’s office, complete the form, and return it to the registrar’s office.

Admission to Summer Session

Graduates of accredited high schools, high school students who have completed a minimum of six semesters, and students in good academic standing at another college or university may take summer courses at Fontbonne.

New students may be admitted to the summer session as degree-seeking or as unclassified students.

Unclassified students wishing to continue as degree-seeking students must follow the procedures for change of status from unclassified to degree seeking. Attendance as a summer school student does not guarantee admission to the university as a degree-seeking student.

Admission to the Evening and Online Degree Programs

An off-campus site follows the same admission procedures as described for the various programs.

Graduate Admission Requirements

Applications for admission, considered according to program availability, must be on file no later than one week prior to final registration for the term in which the candidate seeks admission. Individual programs may have earlier deadlines.

To apply, a prospective graduate student must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • A completed graduate application form.
  • Official transcript(s) from accrdited colleges or universities that:
    • Granted the applicant’s undergraduate degree
    • Granted the applicant’s graduate degree
    • Demonstrated program prerequisite(s) have been met
    • Demonstrated completion of transfer graduate coursework
  • Three professional references to be contacted for recommendation into the program.

Specific graduate programs often require additional supplemental application materials such as all undergradaute and graduate transcripts, a statement of purpose, a resume or curriculum vita, letters of recommendation, etc. Additional admission criteria are listed under each individual graduate program.

Accelerated Path Master’s Programs

Accelerated Path Master’s programs offer qualified students the opportunity to shorten the time required to complete a master’s degree by applying a limited number of hours to both graduate and undergraduate requirements. The University has established minimum admission requirements; however, departments may set additional or more stringent requirements. Interested students should check with the department offering an Accelerated Path Master’s Program option regarding the department’s specific requirements.


Students applying to an Accelerated Path Master’s Program must:

•            Be a currently enrolled Fontbonne University student

•            Have completed at least 60 credit hours

•            Have at least one full semester as an undergraduate remaining

•            Possess a minimum Fontbonne cumulative GPA of 3.25


Students applying for admission to a master’s program through the Accelerated Option submit an Accelerated Path Master’s Program Application, which must be approved by the graduate program director, department chair and college dean. Application can be made as early as the first semester of the junior year, but typically in the third semester prior to completion of the undergraduate degree and with at least one full semester remaining at the time of application. Students must have completed at least 12 credit hours in the undergraduate major by the time they are admitted into an Accelerated Path. Undergraduate students admitted to a master’s program through an Accelerated Path must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 (or higher if required by the specific program) and meet any other requirements established by the specific program in order to retain their Accelerated Path admission status.

Students must earn at least a ‘B’ in graduate courses taken as an undergraduate to maintain eligibility to advance to the master’s level following conferral of the bachelor’s degree. Students who do not retain their Accelerated Path admission to a graduate program are eligible to apply for admission to the graduate program through the regular application process. Failure to satisfy admission requirements or leaving Fontbonne University before completion of the bachelor’s degree negates the Accelerated Path agreement.

Degree and Tuition Policies

Once admitted to a master’s program through the Accelerated Path, students may take up to a maximum of 12 credit hours of graduate coursework and have those hours count toward both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Students will be charged at the undergraduate rate and retain eligibility for undergraduate scholarships. For each semester in which they take courses for both undergraduate and graduate credit, students must complete a “mixed credit” registration form that is approved by the graduate program director, department chair and college dean. Students taking courses for graduate credit must adhere to all relevant graduate policies.

Students admitted to an Accelerated Path Master’s Program must meet all graduate program admission requirements at the time they complete the baccalaureate degree and must meet all degree completion requirements of the graduate program.

Admission of Graduate International Students

Fontbonne University is a global community and encourages applications from international students. All applications must be submitted to the director of international affairs and should include the following:

  1. A completed, signed international graduate student application form (available at www.fontbonne.edu/admissions/international.
  2. A $75 non-refundable application fee payable to Fontbonne University.
  3. Certified, official transcripts (translated into English) from all secondary schools, colleges, or universities previously attended. Students who have earned college-level credit outside of the United States and wish to apply those credits toward a degree will be asked to have their transcripts evaluated by a U.S. evaluation service.

Evidence of English language proficiency which is necessary for those whose native language is not English. Applicants must submit scores from TOEFL or IELTS exams (or Fontbonne University approved equivalent). Students not meeting the language proficiency may be accepted to a graduate program on a conditional basis, provided the student enrolls in the Intensive English Program prior to enrolling in the graduate courses. 

An IELTS score or its equivalent is required and delineated by program: 

  • Depatment of Business Administration’s programs:  6.5 
  • Department of Communication Disorders/Deaf Education’s programs:  7.0 
  • Department of Education/Special Education’s programs:  6.0 
  • Doctor of Education program:  6.0 
  • Department of Family and Consumer Sciences’ programs:  6.5 
  • Department of Fine Arts’ programs: at the discretion of the program 
  • Instructional Design and Technology program:  6.0 
  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science’s programs:  6.0
  1. An official letter of sponsorship and an official financial statement from the bank of the guarantor. These are required to meet U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations. The bank statement and letter from the sponsor must be in English. The bank statement must be certified by the bank, dated within 120 days of the application, and have the name of the sponsor (or sponsor’s organization) on the account. The account will indicate the amount of funds available. The sponsor must have sufficient funds to support the student for a minimum of one year while in academic studies.
  2. Two letters of recommendation in English.
  3. A personal statement in English indicating why the student wishes to attend Fontbonne University. The requirement for the personal statement varies by department.
  4. A copy of the current passport page with name, date of birth, and expiration date.
  5. Additional specific admission criteria, including grade point average, are listed under the individual graduate programs.

An international applicant not meeting one or more of the entrance standards may be asked to submit additional information for review by the specific graduate program.

All international students accepted for study at Fontbonne University will be required to purchase medical/health insurance by an insurance carrier selected by Fontbonne University in the U.S. Purchase of such insurance coverage will be completed at the time of registration at the university.

International Transfer Graduate Students

Any international student wishing to transfer to Fontbonne University from another institution within the United States must also submit the following documents:

  1. Copies of all official I-20 documents from previously attended schools;
  2. A copy of the current I-94 card; and
  3. A copy of the current visa.