2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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EDU 411 - Clinical Practice for Paraprofessionals -Pathways Only

Credit(s): 3
This final course before field experience provides Pathway students with a review and strengthening of the instructional planning and curriculum design skills which have been imbedded throughout the program. As a clinical experience, students are required to use their assigned classroom as a laboratory to implement course content. The content of the course will include planning and assessment via the Fontbonne lesson planning model. Differentiated instruction will be introduced conceptually and utilized practically as a means to address the needs of diverse learners. Response to Intervention and a deeper understanding of the entire IEP process is included. The relationship of these skills to classroom, school, and district curriculum alignment will be stressed. In addition, the students will address the instructional processes and products needed to complete their final assessment for certification. Offered per Pathways schedule.

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