Feb 17, 2025
EDU 266 - Methods of Teaching Literacy-Pathways Credit(s): 6 This course will address the teacher’s role in the process of developing student literacy with a particular focus on constructing meaning in the literature-based classroom. The pre-service teacher will develop knowledge of the theories and principles of literacy development for children and adolescents. Teacher candidates will become familiar with child/adolescent literature and develop the strategies and skills to incorporate quality literature into the curriculum. The course will support the development of a knowledge base of current instructional approaches (use of basal reader, skill-based instruction, and literature-based instruction) for the teaching of reading and writing. In addition, the course will identify appropriate strategies and materials which may be used to enhance the teaching of reading, writing, listening, and interpretation of visual representations. Participants will be required to complete 30 hours of observation in a special education classroom and reflect upon those experiences. Offered according to Pathways schedule.
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