2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

About Fontbonne University


Fontbonne University, a Catholic institution sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, is committed to the common good through the daily pursuit of transformative education, inspiring students to become global citizens who think critically, act ethically and serve responsibly.


Fontbonne University aspires to be a preferred destination, committed to providing a holistic learning experience rooted in excellence, for those seeking to be educated as leaders to serve a world in need and for those dedicated to educating them.


Fontbonne University honors the values and heritage of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet by fostering excellence, integrity, respect, diversity, community, justice, service, faith, and Catholic identity.


Fontbonne University is committed to:

  • Achieving academic and educational excellence.
  • Advancing historical remembrance, critical reflection, and moral resolve.
  • Promoting dialogue among diverse communities.
  • Demonstrating care and respect for each member of the community.
  • Serving the larger community.
  • Preparing individuals to be an ethical and responsible presence to the world.

University Learning Goals

Fontbonne University Graduates will:

  1. Develop critical thinking, professional ethics, dispositions, and knowledge of core concepts relevant to one’s field of study and the pursuit of life goals.
  2. Apply knowledge, ability and skills in contribution to the common good and the development of right relationships.
  3. Articulate and act upon a personally authentic ethical framework which honors the values of integrity, diversity, inclusion, respect, justice, and service to others.
  4. Demonstrate ability to critically analyze, synthesize, and communicate information both within and across areas of learning, personal development, and expertise.

Catholic Identity Statement

Fontbonne affirms its identity as a Catholic university. Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, it is founded on the beliefs that all creation reveals God, that the ministry of Jesus began a process of redemption that extends to this day, and that the Holy Spirit continues to impart grace through the daily experiences of women and men. Among the many signs of God’s grace are teaching and learning, which at Fontbonne are pursued by people sharing a variety of religious beliefs and an understanding of the importance of education.

Catholic means universal and throughout the whole, like leaven permeating bread. The permeating quality of Fontbonne is our commitment to know, to love, and to serve the truth that unites faith and reason, nature and grace, the human and the divine. The desire for a greater understanding of creation and its Creator is one of the most profound expressions of human dignity. In this sense, to learn is to augment one’s capacity for love so that the thoughtful and loving acts of an educated person are a witness to the transformation of the world that began with the Resurrection and continues with the enlivening of humanity. What makes us truly human helps to unite us with the divine as we seek to understand, love, and serve God and neighbor without distinction.

The permeating and universal nature of Catholicism gives rise to the mission and vision of this university. Because Fontbonne is Catholic, we embrace openness and inclusiveness. Because Fontbonne is Catholic, we pursue educational excellence. And because Fontbonne is Catholic, we seek to recognize the presence of God in all creation and to participate in the continuing transformation of ourselves and a world in need.

Diversity Statement

Fontbonne University maintains a strong commitment to diversity to increase the number of faculty, staff, and students from all backgrounds. Every person, regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability shall be treated with respect and dignity.

Therefore, Fontbonne University will strive to:

  • Create a learning environment that promotes, nurtures, and supports the understanding, recognition, and appreciation of contributions to society made by diverse individuals and groups
  • Increase recruitment and retention of diverse students, faculty, and staff
  • Promote and foster effective communication and interaction among diverse populations

The Fontbonne core documents may be viewed at: https://www.fontbonne.edu/about/fontbonne-mission/ and the diversity statement at: https://www.fontbonne.edu/campus-life/service-diversity-and-social-justice/

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Fontbonne University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law in employment or in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, educational programs, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic and other programs and activities. Furthermore, Fontbonne University prohibits retaliation against anyone who either opposes unlawful discrimination, assists or participates in an investigation of a complaint of discrimination, or exercises that person’s rights under any law that forbids discrimination.

The Fontbonne University coordinator for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination is:

Lisa Vansickle

Vice President and Chief Financial Officer    

Fontbonne University                                    

6800 Wydown Boulevard                                              

St. Louis, MO 63105                                                       

Phone: (314) 719-8017                                                  

E-mail: lvansickle@fontbonne.edu


The Fontbonne University Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator for Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 are:

Carla Hickman

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

Fontbonne University                                    

6800 Wydown Boulevard                                              

St. Louis, MO 63105                                                       

Phone: (314) 889-1416

Email: chickman@fontbonne.edu


Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Corinne Wohlford

Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs             

Fontbonne University                                    

6800 Wydown Boulevard                                              

St. Louis, MO 63105                                                       

Phone: (314) 719-3640                                                  

E-mail: cwohlford@fontbonne.edu


Questions about this non-discrimination policy and any complaints of discrimination shall be directed to either of these coordinators.

Fontbonne University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-380, as amended.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. It applies to all schools that receive funds from the United States Department of Education. Education records are records that contain information directly related to a student and that are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution. Education records do not include private notes, law enforcement records, medical and counseling records, employment records, or alumni records.

In accordance with the Family Rights and Privacy Act, certain information designated as “directory information” may be released without the prior consent of a student, unless the student has forbidden its disclosure in writing by completing a Request to Withhold Release of Directory Information form available in the office of the registrar. This form must be turned in to the registrar’s office within two (2) weeks of the start of the semester. It will stay in effect until the fall term of the next academic year. The university will assume that a student does not object to the release of directory information unless the student files this written notification.

A complete listing of directory information items is included in the FERPA policy which is posted on the Fontbonne website at: https://www.fontbonne.edu/academics/registrar/

Students should read the FERPA policy to know their rights and responsibilities as they pertain to their education records. Questions should be directed to the office of the Registrar.

An Institution of Higher Learning

Past and Present

Fontbonne University derives its name from Mother St. John Fontbonne, refounder of the Sisters of St. Joseph after the French Revolution, who, in 1836, sent six sisters from France to open a mission at Carondelet in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1917, the state of Missouri granted a charter for a liberal arts college to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, St. Louis Province. A college for women was the inspiration of Sister Agnes Gonzaga Ryan, CSJ, the superior general who initiated the purchase of the land at the corner of Wydown and Big Bend Boulevards in 1907 and 1908. College classes began at the Carondelet Motherhouse in 1923 with nine students and nine faculty members. Ground breaking at the present site took place in April 1924; 44 students moved to the new campus in 1925. The original campus comprised five buildings: Ryan Hall, the Fine Arts and Science buildings, the gymnasium, and the powerhouse. Additional buildings and ongoing interior and exterior modifications to the buildings preserve the classic style of the original campus. The original Fine Arts building is now referred to as the East building and houses academic departments, classrooms, and the newly developed Center for Teacher Therapist Education (CTTE). The former Southwest Hall has been totally renovated for the Fine Arts Center.

Founded as a college for women, Fontbonne evolved into a coeducational institution, admitting male students to all degree programs in 1974. The college provided undergraduate degree programs until 1975, when the first master’s degree in communication disorders received approval. Since then, Fontbonne has developed additional bachelor’s and master’s degrees and programs in traditional and accelerated formats for both traditional-age and adult students. Fontbonne College officially became Fontbonne University on March 14, 2002.

In 2007 Fontbonne was approved to offer its first online master’s degree program. Fontbonne University has continued to experience significant changes, such as the development of a computer commons on the first floor of the the Jack C. Taylor Library, the addition to the curriculum of a theme-oriented dedicated semester each fall, the creation of a center for excellence in teaching and learning (CETL), the addition of the social work department, restructuring of the university into three colleges, including the Eckelkamp College of Global Business and Professional Studies, the College of Education and Allied Health Professions, and the College of Arts & Sciences, and the creation of new majors, minors, concentrations, and certificates at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including online degree programs.

The 2011 renovated science building, now Anheuser-Busch Hall, houses the first of the three colleges, the Bonnie and L.B. Eckelkamp College of Global Business and Professional Studies, the department of Social Work, the department of biological and physical sciences, the department of family and consumer sciences, the Monsanto greenhouse, and a student lounge.

Campus/Off-Campus Sites

Situated in a residential section of Clayton, Missouri, the 16-acre main campus makes an attractive addition to the area. Red Missouri granite, trimmed with Bedford stone, enhances the majority of the ten campus buildings.

In addition to the main campus in Clayton, an off-campus site in Brentwood houses student art studios and theatre rehearsal space.

A Learning Environment

Fontbonne University is a vibrant academic community dedicated to a holistic education for all students. In an atmosphere committed to excellence, students are challenged to think critically, act ethically, and communicate effectively both in and out of the classroom by faculty who are both scholars and mentors. Graduates of Fontbonne are well-equipped to play a leadership role in meeting the challenges of a global society.

First-time, transfer, and adult learners all have a home at Fontbonne. The University offers dozens of undergraduate degree programs in face-to-face settings, and graduate degree programs in both face-to-face settings and online.

The evening programs attract students who are interested in completing their degrees through accelerated formats. Regardless of their choice of major or degree, students at Fontbonne are part of a caring community.

Students are offered the opportunity to learn outside the classroom as well. Study abroad opportunities are available during the academic year, for the summer, and over spring break. Service learning trips are scheduled at both national and international sites. Practicum and internship experiences are a part of many academic programs. Students have the opportunity to participate in groundbreaking research, help to set up language screening programs in Central America, work in classrooms in England, and participate in experiential learning at sites throughout the metropolitan area.

The main campus, in the heart of Clayton, is in close proximity to many cultural and business venues that contribute to out-of-classroom learning. The zoo and museums of Forest Park, the business community of downtown St. Louis, the county government center of Clayton, nearby concert locales, educational and health care institutions, and non-profit organizations play a vital role in a Fontbonne education.

Academic Convocation

At the beginning of the academic year students, faculty, staff, and administrators gather to recognize, celebrate, and strengthen our identity as a Catholic institution of higher education and to focus the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph into one mission/vision: educating leaders to serve a world in need. The celebratory daytime event and a corresponding event for evening students include a keynote speaker, a commissioning ceremony, and the bestowing of stoles and pins on students; students attending for the first time receive a stole and returning students receive a pin representative of the university.

Dedicated Semester

Fontbonne University is proud to offer a unique learning opportunity each fall semester. The Dedicated Semester is a collaborative venture that includes coursework, guest speakers, special events, and co-curricular opportunities that focus on a single theme. Beginning in 2007, topics have included: Judaism and its Cultures (2007); the U.N. Millennium Development Goals (2008); Immigrant Experiences (2009), Happiness: Traditions and Tensions (2010); The Disability Experience: Quest for Empowerment (2011); Foodology: The Culture, Economics and Science of Food (2012), Sustainability: Small Steps, Giant Leaps (2013); Civil Rights: Then and Now (2014); The Future (2015); Security, Privacy, and Freedom (2016) and We, Myself, and Why: Exploring Identity will occur in 2017. Faculty, staff, and students with special interests are encouraged to develop proposals for future dedicated semesters.

Jack C. Taylor Library

The Jack C. Taylor Library provides materials and resources to support research, instructional assistance that complements the curriculum, and attractive and comfortable spaces for reading and research. Library resources concentrate on student learning and faculty teaching.

The Library subscribes to hundreds of journals and magazines and several newspapers of local and national interest in paper format. More than 65,000 unique journal titles are available in full text through the library’s many subscription databases, including JSTOR, Business Source, Academic Source, and PsycARTICLES. More than 90,000 items are available in the library, including books, audiovisual materials, curriculum resources, and juvenile collections. These resources are supplemented by more than 220,000 electronic books, streaming videos, and online reference resources. Through Fontbonne’s membership in MOBIUS, the Missouri academic library consortium, Fontbonne students have access to millions of books, which can be delivered to Fontbonne within a few days.

Faculty librarians teach the course LIB 199 Information Literacy in Higher Education for credit and provide library instruction sessions upon request. Librarians are actively involved in demonstrating the use of library resources and research strategies to both groups and individuals.

The Information Commons area includes 46 student-access computers, several printers and scanners, and assistance in using the equipment. Laptops and tablets can be checked out as needed. All library computers offer access to subscription databases, the Internet, and Microsoft Office software. The library also houses individual and group study rooms and tables, meeting rooms, and lounge areas.

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Fontbonne University is committed to academic and educational excellence. In order to uphold such a commitment, it is imperative that our faculty members are aware and stay well-informed of the best practices in higher education. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning seeks to foster an academic community where student learning and effective teaching are valued, and provides programs and resources to faculty on the latest pedagogical strategies.

Kinkel Center for Academic Resources

The Kinkel Center for Academic Resources is located on the second floor of the Jack C. Taylor Library. Open seven days a week, the Center provides academic support for all Fontbonne University students through academic tutoring, coaching on academic matters, workshops, placement testing and disability support services. The tutoring service is provided by specialists with advanced degrees in the following subject areas: Writing, Mathematics and Business. Peer and graduate-level tutors are available in other subjects. Tutoring is provided at no cost to the Fontbonne student. For more information about the services in the Kinkel Center, please contact the Kinkel Center staff at 314.889.4571 or view its website at https://www.fontbonne.edu/academics/academic-resources/kinkel-center-for-academic-resources/

Charles Jeffers Glik Testing Center

Dedicated in 2007, the Charles Jeffers Glik Testing Center, located in the Kinkel Center, provides out of class testing opportunities for students who have made the proper arrangements, and placement testing for incoming students.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Fontbonne University offers academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. Any Fontbonne student is eligible for academic accommodations if:

  • The student self-identifies that he/she has a documented disability and needs an academic accommodation.
  • The student submits a request for an academic accommodation to the Director of the Kinkel Center for Academic Resources, along with any supporting documentation as soon as reasonably possible; and
  • The student provides reasonable, appropriate, and verifiable supporting documentation of the documented disability at the time of the request for an academic accommodation or within 30 days after the request, unless extenuating circumstances exist.

For requests or inquiries regarding other accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, or modifications of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity, or the existence and location of services, activities and facilities that are accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, please contact the Section 504/ADA Coordinator at 314.719.3627.

Student Complaint Policy

Fontbonne University is dedicated to providing an excellent educational experience for all students. The university recognizes the importance of resolving student concerns and grievances in a timely and effective manner. In registering concerns and filing appeals, Fontbonne students must follow the policies and procedures that have been established by the university or within the unit about which the concern is being filed. Generally, these policies and procedures require that students begin by discussing the matter with the staff, faculty, or department in which the issue originated. Notable exceptions include complaint alleging discrimination or harassment.

If a student believes that a policy or procedure has been incorrectly or unfairly applied in his/her particular case, or a complaint does not fall within a specific policy, and efforts to resolve the concern have not been successful, the student may file a formal complaint. A formal complaint must:

  • Be made in writing using the Fontbonne University Student Complaint Form and signed by the student;
  • Include the name and contact information of the person filing the complaint, and a brief description of the circumstances including who has been involved and the current status;
  • Be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs.

Upon receipt in the Office of Academic Affairs, formal complaints about a faculty or staff member in an academic department or regarding a course or academic program will be directed to the Dean of the college housing the object of the complaint. Other formal complaints will be directed to the Vice President responsible for the department of individual against which the complaint is made. Formal complaints about a Vice President will be directed to the Office of the President.

Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the office of that Dean or Vice President will acknowledge the complaint and maintain a record of when the complaint was received, any actions taken, and the final resolution. Students should receipt an official response to complaints within 30 days. The receiving office will send notice of the final resolution to the Office of Academic Affairs, which maintains a record of all formal complaints.

The Missouri Department of Higher Education serves as a clearinghouse for postsecondary student complaints. This webpage contains information about the complaint process and includes instructions on how to file a formal complaint. Note that the policy provides that a student who wishes to file a complaint with the department must first exhaust all formal and informal avenues provided by the institution to resolve disputes. The MDHE complaint policy may be found at: https://dhe.mo.gov/documents/POLICYONCOMPLAINTRESOLUTION-reviseddraft.pdf.

The Missouri Attorney General’s Office website may be found at: http://ago.mo.gov.