Dec 26, 2024
CIS 476 - Reverse Engineering Credit(s): 3 Cross-listed with: CIS 575
Covers both the art and science of software reverse engineering. Beginning with the foundational techniques used to analyze both source and binary codes, the course will examine current threats and discuss the actions needed to prevent attackers from taking advantage of both known and unknown vulnerabilities. The course will cover passive and active reverse engineering techniques in order to discover and categorize software vulnerabilities, create patches and workarounds to better secure the system, and describe security solutions that provide protection from an adversary attempting to explant the vulnerabilities. Techniques covered include the use of static analysis, dynamic reverse engineering tools, and fault injection via fuzzing to better understand and improve the security of software. To distinguish CIS 575 from CIS 476 additional or differentiated assessments and/or assignments appropriate to the graduate level will be assigned. SP Odd Prerequisite(s): CIS 125 and CIS 310
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